Thursday, July 19, 2018

Mommy & Me Taekwondo

For the last few months of school, I decided to pull Little A out and homeschool her to help catch her up in reading and math.  Since she was being homeschooled, I asked Master Mun, her Taekwondo instructor, if she could attend the 9 am adult class.  There were only one or two people who came to the 9 am class, and since Little A is only a few stripes from her black belt, I figured I would ask.  Master Mun said she could attend, if I also went to class and started Taekwondo.  This is how I got started in Taekwondo.

So every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Little A, Monster and I go to the 9am Taekwondo adult class.  The majority of the time, we get private lessons because we are the only ones in class.  Little A and I progress very quickly, since we get one on one lessons.

Little A is learning new kicks and multiple kick sequences.  I am learning self defense moves and enjoying a good work out.  Master Mun really makes you run and sweat and work the entire lesson time.

I enjoy spending one on one time with Little A.  It is fun to do something that just her and I do.  I enjoy watching her learn and grow in martial arts!  It is also fun to progress and learn the different kicks and defense moves for me too.

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