Saturday, September 1, 2018

Gangchon Rail Park

For Labor Day Weekend, we decided to go to Seoraksan National Park area with our friends, the Liddells! Since Saturday was our youth temple day, we packed up the car and drove to Seoul for the temple first.  I watched all the littles while Kevin and Kylee went in the temple to do service.  They got done super fast, so we left Seoul around 10:30 and were on our way to Seoraksan National Park with the Liddell's right behind us.  About halfway into our drive, I notice that there is a railpark only 10 minutes out of the way, I texted Adreann and asked if they wanted to check it out, and they said they were down with the idea!

We find the Gangchon RailPark parking and check it out! The next tickets available were to leave in 45 minutes, so we bought tickets for three 4-seater bikes.  We packed up our backpacks, made the kids sandwiches then went to explore the park.

 The main waiting area to load the bikes has some really neat structures and architecture.  In the center of the square was a huge RailPark sign, just waiting for my kids to climb.

 The littles had a blast playing in the picture perfect railbike.  They were able to move the peddles and act like there were already riding a bike.  Monster got real mad because he wanted a turn, but he was just too little to reach the peddles.

 When it was about 10 minutes until the ticketed take-off time, the lines started to form.  We joined the long lines and were able to get on the bikes a few minutes later.  One thing I have learned while living here is that if you have an appointment or a ticket time, make sure you get there early, because if you arrive at your ticket or appointment time, you are late and sometimes you will be denied service.

We had Little A and the little Liddell who is the same age and friends with Little A.  Kevin and I took turns holding Monster on our lap.  It would have been easier if he had his own seat, but by putting him on our lap, we only had to get three of the bikes.

The last time we were on railbikes we followed the ocean, and enjoyed a scenery of sand, beaches and waves.  This time we followed the mountains and enjoyed fresh air, beautiful mountains and valleys and flowing rivers.

Big Sis and M&M rode in the bike in front of us with the two older Liddell girls.  They were so cute together as we could see them talking and laughing together.

The rest of the Liddell family were in the bikes behind us.

This railbike path seemed much longer then the ocean one we went on. It made for such a nice and beautiful ride.  It was so beautiful.  Monster, however, made it difficult to peddle because with him on my lap, when I would peddle he would pop up and down with every turn of the foot.  He didn't like that, so Kevin and I would take turns holding him.  While one person held the Monster, the other would peddle.  When the peddler got tired, we would switch.  The two little girls on our bike were too small to help peddle, so we only had one person peddling the bike of four.

 We passed through three different tunnels for this adventure!  The first tunnel was a bubble and lights tunnel.  There were huge bubble machines along the walls inside the tunnel that blew thousands of bubbles while we wizzed by.  The kids were squealing and laughing as they tried to get all the bubbles.

The next tunnel had lights and music.  The kids all whooped and hollered as we entered the tunnel and enjoyed the bright lights all around us.

The scenery from tunnel to tunnel was breathtaking.  It was seriously the perfect day with a clear and bright blue sky.

The last tunnel was the longest and favorite tunnel.  This tunnel had loud K-Pop music blaring and super bright laser lights and strobe lights flashing everywhere!  If I hadn't been strapped down in a seat with a toddler on my lap, I would have thought I was clubbing.  The laser lights went everywhere and were brightly blinding.  Everyone was dancing and raising the roof with their hands.

After about an hour of peddling, we reached the end.  We got off our bikes and had no idea where to go.  There was a snack bar there with ice cream and drinks, and some stairs.  We figured the stairs must take us to the platform home, but they just circled back up.  We found a sign that said the love train would be here after the last rail bike parked, so now we just had to wait.  The kids sat and talked while we waited about 20 minutes for the love train.

The train arrived and we were able to load and start the 30 minute train ride to the next station.  We found out they called it the love train because it was a popular train in the 70's.

After arriving at the next station, we then walked to busses that shuttled us back to the Railpark parking.  It took about 2 hours total to do the bikes and make it back to our cars.  We all had so much fun and are so glad we stopped!

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