Saturday, September 15, 2018

Korean Baseball Game: Suwon KT Wiz

When we first got to Korea, I kept hearing about the Korean baseball games.  Everyone was saying it was one of their favorite things to do.  I was told that going to a baseball game here is a full out-of-this-world experience.  I have tried three separate times to make it to a game, but something always came up.  Tonight, with the help of the Budenbenders and the Livaudais, I was finally able to make it to the Suwon Stadium to watch the KT Wiz team play a game.  

It took a while to find the ticket office to buy our tickets.  We pretty much had to walk around the entire stadium.  Once we got to the ticket office, it took just as long to figure out where we wanted to sit.  We finally got some great seats and made our way down.  We ended up getting seat directly behind where the pitcher of the KT Wiz team warms up.

It made it so much more fun to be at the game with great friends.  All the kids shared food and candy and kept each other occupied.

The was definitely an experience!  The entire crowd stands up and dances and sings and chants while their team is up to bat.  The food there was off the hook.  They had everything from chicken to pizza to kimchi.  Almost everyone in the crowd was wearing a KT Wiz team baseball uniform and carrying a glove.  Every time the ball would be hit in the foal zone and fly over our heads, the kids would all excitedly jump up in hopes that they would catch the foal ball.  Towards the middle of the game, we all found ourselves standing up and singing and chanting made-up words along with the entire crowd (except they were saying real words in Korean).  There was a huge platform with a dancer and cheerleaders leading the entire crowd in the dances and chants.  It was so fun!  Monster didn't enjoy the length of the game, I was pulling out candy and my phone with a movie, in an attempt to keep him confined to our seats.  We all had littles, so we ended up leaving at the top of the ninth inning.  But we all agreed that we need to come back to the game on a big group date minus kids.  

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