Friday, September 7, 2018

Yeouido Hangang Park

M&M had an orthodontist appointment in Seoul today, so we decided to make a family day out of it.  After M&M's appointment we headed over to the Yeouido Hanging Park.  When we first got there we found some pretty crazy and unique play equipment.  One was a gigantic metal structure with huge white balloons/balls attached all around the structure.  The balloons/balls would all of a sudden move without warning.  It was funny watching them fall; we never could figure out how they moved.  

Another structure was a huge wood semi circle thing.  It almost looked like the bottom of a boat.  M&M and Big Sis tried to run up the side to catch the edge.  They made it, but Little A needed help getting to the edge.  It's funny how something so simple can keep our attention and provide so much entertainment.

We walked a little more and to my utter joy we came across the I SEOUL U letters.  I have been trying to find this structure in Seoul since we moved here.  I was so happy to find the letters!  This was definitely one of my highlights of the day; pathetic, I know, but it's finding joy in the little things, right?

Another joyful surprise was the bike rental kiosk right after the I SEOUL U letters.  We were super excited about the bikes, because they had a few bikes with child carriers.  I rented a bike with a carrier and had Little Monster in the back.  Big Sis and M&M found bikes that were perfect for them.  Kevin kept singing the song from the Wicked Witch in Wizard of Oz.  He said since my bike had a basket, it looked just like the bike from the Wizard of Oz.

Kevin rented a tandem bike and had Little A ride with him.  It was cool, because the seats were adjustable, so it worked perfect for Kevin and Little A.

We rented our bikes for an hour, so we spent our time exploring the park and loving all the super random Korea that the park had to offer.  Our first Korea randomness were the soccer net and PVC pipe "seats" all around the park.  We took time to sit back and relax and soak in some vitamin D.  Monster had fun crawling in, around, on and through them, so they were multifunctional.

The park also had large structures and statues littering the area.  The kids loved the weird monster. Apparently it was used in a movie, then left its mark in the park.

We passed a park at the beginning of our bike ride, and the kids all begged to play at the park.  We road around until we had 10 minutes left on our rental and let the kids play for 10 minutes.  They loved all the different play equipment.  There was a pendulum swing, teeter totters and a huge play structure.  There was something for all kids, big and small.

We returned our bike rentals and started walking back to the car.  This is where we encountered the last Korean park randomness.  Running along the far side of the park was a small canal/ ditch/ water run-off.  Kids were playing and running and splashing in the water.  There were stepping stones and stairs all throughout the canal.  My favorite was seeing the little Korean kids playing in the water, some had swimwear, some had normal clothes, but quite a few had bare naked bottoms and only a shirt on.  We let the kids take their shoes off and walk back to the car through the canal.  It was probably nasty and germ and bacteria infested, but they loved it.  Here's hoping they don't get a nail fungal infection.

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