Sunday, September 2, 2018

Seoraksan National Park: Seorakdong Cable Car

Seoraksan national park is amazing! After a couple of wrong turns and paying for tolls on roads we didn't even drive on, we arrived on perhaps the most beautiful of hiking trips we have done so far: Seoraksan NP. This is interesting because one of the housing towers where we live is named after this park, and is simply gorgeous. 

With the Liddell family along our side we went into the huge central portion of the park as it fed to temples, beautiful scenic views, and the best part: The Seorakdong Cable Car! The Korean hiking experiences really are incredible, but this gondola experience up the mountain not only saves your kids from complaining but brings you so fast to the best views of the park. Love it! The ride up takes about 10 minutes, with amazing views in a sardine can of people. 

After braving my fear of heights and constantly picturing the car breaking and falling off the cable (Kevin), I got my reprieve from the gondola and I was rewarded with the most incredible view. Mountains, forest, ocean, all in the view at the same time.  

Yet that wasn't quite the top. We faced another 10-15 minute walk to the top. Little A along with the little Liddell's stuck together, second only to M&M and Sig Sis and the older Liddell's. Trips like these are so much more enjoyable with friends, and Liddell's made it amazing. 

Finally when they got to the top it was much like being on a movie set. We were up in the cloud cover of the misty mountains of Mordor! They were so jagged that they didn't even look real. We were able to finally make it to the top, with that feeling of accomplishment that only comes from weathering the distance. I stood back with some of the littles that didn't want to keep climbing, the girls and Heather continued up to even a higher spot. 

Even monster gave us a smile, which on trips like these is a miracle!

After we made it down the mountain again, then came lunch time. Some Korean parks we have travelled too have amazing places to eat, and this was one of them. After stopping off for some food we were able to secure the coveted Korean ice cream, which was basically like adult size gogurts. They have a melon flavored one which is just to die for! It was a perfect way to recharge the kids, which in turn recharged the adults. 

Even little A and her friends enjoyed the hike enough to remind the world of their aspirations to be rap stars. 


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