Sunday, October 7, 2018

Busan Gamcheon Village

On day 2 of our Busan excursion, we went to a little area in Gamcheon that houses a cultural village. Now I know you might be thinking that the "cultural" part means that multiple cultures are represented, which is partly true. The fun part about this place is that it is a real place that people live, and you can decorate your houses in bright colors and themes, prompting people to find great ways to express artistic vision. Parking was a bear like it is everywhere in Korea, but after waiting for a while we finally found a parking spot and embarked on a "hilly" experience. 

Here in Korea there is a lot of 3D drawings, giving illusions of things. Our prior post on the Trick Eye Museum is a good example, but here someone took it a whole new level and painted on the side of their building. 

The village sits on top of one of the mountainous inclines, giving it a beautiful vista scenic view of the ocean. Part of the fun was seeing all the colors of the buildings, and the various murals.

Now little monster is quite an observant one and was to thrilled when he saw on one of the wall this gigantic fish made out of these wood pieces colored different ways. He noted Batman from a distance and was so excited to see "Neener neener neener neerer Batman!"

It was such a beautiful day out, and although it was only 72 degrees the trek up and down the hills made it very warm. There was huge staircases that made us grateful we had a kicking and screaming monster on our backs, but as you can tell, the inclines and declines were crazy!

We eventually made it to the top of the village which gave us some beautiful views to see of the sea, and this colorful experience nestled in the top of the mountains. 

The art around this part is super fun! From climbable picket boards to Bookcase painted stairways, every turn was different. We couldn't pass up seeing Harry Potter written on the steps as well.

After two hours and some macaroon covered ice cream sandwiches (yep, totally delicious) we decided to eat some lunch and head on out to our next location, the Lantern festival!

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