Monday, October 8, 2018

Hamigot Village Haemaji Plaza: Sunrise Square

Our last stop on our Columbus weekend adventures was at the eastern most tip of South Korea- Hamigot Village Haemaji Plaza.  This stop was all for Kevin.  Ever since he saw the very first video of the Korean national anthem and the picture of the hand coming out of the ocean, he was wanted to see it.  Every time we would see the national anthem video before the start of a movie on base, he would always say, "I want to go there!".  To get to the Plaza, it was about an hour out of our way, but we knew we wouldn't ever be this close again, so we decided to just do it, and go.

When we got to the Haemaji Plaza we were surprised to find that there are two hand sculptures, one on land and one in the sea.  We had no idea that there were two.  After doing a little googling, we found out that the hands are called the Sangsaeng's Hands and they were made to give the message that all people can only live together by helping gone another.  It represent the coexistence of Korea and are meant as a memorial in the spirit of reconciliation and celebrating a new millennium.

The reason it is called the sunrise square is because since it is the eastern most tip of South Korea, it is the earliest sunrise in all of Korea.  We came around sunset, so there wasn't a sun for us to see, but we did love seeing the famous hand in person and it was an added bonus surprise to see two hands.

The Plaza has a lot of other things for tourists to see and do.  There was a lighthouse, a dock, restaurants, a gift shop and a super weird hill.

The hill was our Korean randomness for this stop.  However, like all Korean randomness, it was fun. The kids had fun running up the hill and rolling down.  Kevin and I jumped and were able to look as if flying.  The hill did give a good view of the ocean and the entire plaza, though.  Perhaps that is the purpose of the hill?  Who knows.

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