Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"Trick or Treat" Osan


Hello there, this is Big Sis and I am going to tell you all about our second and last halloween in Osan. We didn't have a family theme this year so us kids got to be whatever we wanted this year.

M&M really wanted to be a parrot this year so her and mom had a project to make a parrot costume themselves. It turned out really cool.

After little A saw M&M's wings, she really wanted to be a pegasus. So mom made wings and she turned into a magical pegasus.

I had no idea what I wanted to be so we went to the BX and we picked out a spider web poncho, a large decorative spider, and so I became a spider queen. The only thing I had to do was paint spiderwebs on the corner of my eyes. It turned out really cool!

Monster had become obsessed with marvel characters, especially Captain America, so we got him a Captain America costume.

His best friend, Rhett was Mr. Incredible. It was really funny seeing them both so excited that they where both superheroes.

The Elementary school hosted a kids trunk-or-treat party which added to our candy stash. The schools trunk-or-treat was so much fun because all the teachers decorated their cars and dress up really funny. There was a teacher who was Candyland themed and her car was basically the board.

Another teacher brought his family and was Harry Potter themed. It was so cool to see all the funny creativity of all the teachers. There was another Harry Potter car and they were our really good friends, the Campbell's.  They gave us chocolate frogs.

Here are a few more pictures of our favorite cars.  There was a large scary one that had a dragon over the trunk.  There was another car that was decorated as Monsters Inc, and the men had on the hazmat suits.  The last one I really liked was the car decorated with pretty skeletons.

What I love about Osan is that since there are 9 families on each of Hallasan's 13 floors, we get lots and lots of candy. Living on a floor with lots of friend and nice people is the best because we always have a hall pot-luck and I was able to help decorate the 6th floor this year. We had lots of people bring lots of food that was really good and some of the desserts were super creative in being spooky. We had two friends join us for the potluck.  Brysha came and ate and went around with us and so did the Walker family.

After a while, the 6th floor families all put their candy in a wagon. It was really surprising to see how much candy the 6th floor neighbors bought.

Little A and Monster had lots of fun trick-or-treating with their friends.

Mom bought a skeleton costume that looked so cool.  Mom had fun seeing her friends dressed up too!

M&M made a new friend a few days early with a family that just moved in, the Walkers. Their daughter is now best friends with M&M. After eating and having our rules set, me, M&M, and M&M's friend (Claire) set out on our way to go get our candy galore. The elevators were already starting to get really busy so the 3 of us walked the stairs from floor 6 to 13. It was really tiring, but we made it eventually. We treat-or-treated from 13 to 1 in about 25 minutes, and so we went to Jirisan too. We were getting really hot and so we decided to quit half way through Jirisan. We hung out at the park for a while to cool off and then went inside our house to trade, count, and weigh our candy. Our favorite part of our candy process was to weigh our bags. Last year, my bag weigh roughly over 4 pounds along with M&M's bag. This year, my bag weighed 4.5 pounds, M&M's weighed 4 pounds, and Claire's bag weighed almost 5 pounds. It was insane how much it weighed.

After our candy frenzy, we went out to the halls to hang out and eat more food. It was so much fun to have another great trick-or-treating experience in the Osan Air Base family housing towers.

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