Saturday, October 13, 2018

Jinwi Park Bike Ride

We brought our bikes with us to Korea, and I have been itching to dust them off and take a ride.  I heard from a friend that there is a bike trail super close to the Doolittle Gate.  After scouting out the trail, we decided to take a Saturday family trip to the bike trail and park at the end of the trail.  

While we were venturing on our ride, we passed by the most gorgeous field of cosmo flowers.  The flowers were everywhere and the most amazing shades of pink.  We parked our bikes to take a walk in the cosmos and take some pictures.  M&M was so scared to walk into the field because she was worried she would step on a snake.

After passing the cosmo field we rode around the corner and came to the Jinwi Park.  The Park had a small circle rail bike trail with a few four seater rail bikes making circles around the park.  We want to come back and ride the rail bikes during the evening time.  It looks like there are lights and light tunnels all around the tracks.

The park was littered with fun metal statues.  These statues and structures were larger then life-size.  Some even looked like transformers.  Kevin and the kids had fun exploring the statues and seeing the intricate details.  This is definitely one of those random Korea moments.

We found a spot in the shade to park our bikes and lay out our picnic blanket and have a great picnic lunch.  It's been a while since we have used our picnic blanket, like, a few years.  When we laid it out, I had to laugh because it was way too small for our family now.  I think the last time I used it, we didn't have Monster and the three girls were little.  Note to self- buy a bigger picnic blanket.

There was a huge field at the park so the kids took about an hour and ran around trying to fly kites.  Our kids didn't have much success getting their kites airborne, but they sure had fun running around and chasing each other.

Jinwi park is located on a river.  It made the ride more refreshing as we would get little gusts of cool air on our bike ride.  We found another super cute photo stop along the river of a frame that said 'I love you' in English and Korean.  This has got to be my new favorite selfie spot.

We took the trail back towards home.  It is a beautiful trail that follows the river.  The path is nice and flat.  It was fun breathing in fresh air and enjoying the occasional races and the fields that we passed.

On the ride to the park, the kids saw a little walkway across the river and asked if we could stop on the way home and explore and jump rocks.  We stopped as promised and took a walk across the rocks.

Don't let the beauty of the river and the rocks fool you.  It stunk so so so bad.  We only made it about half way across the rocks before all the kids were almost green in the face from the horrific fish and stagnant water smell.

After our bike ride, we decided to cool off at Heavenly Bread with a super yummy treat.  Waffles in Korea are consider a dessert.  We got the fruit and ice cream waffle to share.  All the kids loved the treat, especially little Monster.

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