Saturday, April 6, 2019

Bee & Honey Cafe/Hike

Hey there. Big Sis here and I am going to tell y'all all about the Honey & Bee Cafe and hike. We started an early morning and got ready and took Bailey with us to drive to the Honey & Bee Cafe just so we could do one last fun thing before we go to the airport for our China trip and since there was no school, mom thought it was the perfect idea. Three other families joined us on the hike, the Schwartz's, the Walker's, and the White's. It was just starting to become spring and so all the trees were blooming and so it was perfect timing for a little hike. After meeting up and planning where to go, we set off for our hike. Little Monster was very happy to have his best friend with him.

The one thing about being a teenagers and the oldest is the we don't go a lot  places with families that have kids my age. They always have kids M&M's, Little A's, and Monster's age, and so I am always so bored and lonely all by my onesies. But luckily for me, this one time, I had Bailey to keep me company, which lasted only until Little A wanted a turn with her. The hike was super easy compared to every other hike we have taken and so the kids kinda just went ahead while the adults just took their time to get up the mountain. However, there was a couple spots on the hike that suddenly had random fun workout equipment that the kiddies had fun playing on until the parents caught up. I guess these little work out stops are just for Koreans which is, like usually, simply random.

The exercise equipment had weights and a bench press.  It also had chin-up bars and sit up benches.  We all ran around to the different machines and tried them out.

Fun fact about Korea, they don't bury those that have died, they build a mini-dome with dirt above them. Some are huge, others are tiny and that is exactly what was on the hike. There was a beautiful cherry blossom tree in the middle of about 5 or 6 little domes and so we still took a picture. It was really funny because there where like a hundred bees around the tree so all the kids were scared to be in the picture but after quickly snapping one picture for every adult, the kids ran as quickly as they could back to the trail. It was so cute seeing all the 10 or so kids run as fast a they could so they wouldn't get stung.

After 5 more minutes after the Korean tombs, we made it to the top and took a snack break. All the kids got their energy back up after the parents said that there was ice cream at the bottom of the mountain. After the kids heard this, they suddenly went from "Mommy, I don't want to walk anymore!" to "Hurry up mommy, I want to go back down!".

We made our way back down the mountain.  It took no time at all because the kids were going so fast.  We passed the tombs and the exercise equipment again, but didn't stop because we had ice cream on our brain.

We got down really quick and went into the Bee & Honey Cafe.

Right when you walk in, there is a table that you can try out the seven different honey flavors. I didn't really like honey that much, but after tasting the honey, I changed my mind and I really love it now.

My all time favorite was the Multifloral Honey (the jar all the way to the right). Did you know that the type of flower, that the pollen and nectar were taken from, determines how that honey will taste? The type of nectar also makes the honey colors vary between each different type of honey.

At the Cafe, we could choose a type of honey we wanted to fill up a jar. Me, dad, and M&M really wanted Multifloral, and mom really wanted Styrax so we got two jars for the two honeys. It was also really cool because we could stamp a paper and put it on top of the jar.

We also got the chance to have some honey breakfast and ice cream dishes. Little A and Monster got honey ice cream and me, M&M, mom, and dad got some breakfast with honey in and on it. It was so delicious. All the food had real honeycomb on it.  They would shave it right off the rack.  It was cool seeing a real honeycomb. If anyone wants to see something really cool in Korea, you should definitely go to the Bee & Honey Cafe.

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