Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Taean Flower Festival

Hey, it's Big Sis here. I'm going to tell you all about our family adventure at the Korean Tulip festival.   This festival is one of the worlds top 5 tulip festival's in the world. When we walked through the gate, the first thing we saw was a giant dog and puppy made out of flowers. 

After we passed the giant flower sculptures there was, of course, a sign. As we were taking pictures, there was a very large group of old Korean women who kept on wanting to come up with us. We quickly snapped a picture and moved on. 

Right behind the sign, there was a huge garden of tulips. It was so beautiful the amount of flowers in one tiny field was unbelievable. There was every colored flower you could think of (except blue). There were some parts that the clips were sorted by color, but most of the time, it was just a whole bunch of different colors all squished together. We spent a while just looking at all of the flowers and then we moved onto the trail that lead us into another section of flowers. 

There was an arch of heart lights that mom had to jump into. I think it would have been a lot better at night though. 

There was another field of flowers that were mostly separated by color instead of all together. It was so cool seeing all of the flowers. 

In the main area, there was a huge sphere that had flowers in it (why wouldn't it?). And there was a watchtower, where we could see the entire park from a sorta high sky view. There were so many random sculptures that were around the sky view. It was so Korean.

Around the main area were continuous fields of blood red tulips. There were also pink and yellow groups to, but my favorite, along with moms, were the red flowers.

While mom and the two littles were taking a bathroom break, I noticed that there were small flowers bordering a small lake. They were so beautiful so I could resist the urge to take a picture.

After the small pond there was, again another, field of tulips. There was a hill that had designs that were kind of visible but it took a few seconds to figure out the pattern. I think it was some sort of sunset thing or something.

There were so many fields of red tulips. There was also a section that had white and red tulips together.

There was a part of the park that have all the flowers planted in their own little area. There were so many different flowers my favorites were called lupines. They are so beautiful.

But Emily really loved the tiger tulips.

 I also really like the hanging bells flower.  Mom super liked these two.  She said she had seen them drawn in cartoons, but never for reals.

After the sections, there were rows of the different colored tulips. It was like an eternal line of tulips that never ever ended.

There was so much to see. The next thing we saw was the Queens of Hearts (From Alice in Wonderland) Castle and her castle grounds. The castle was huge and was made completely out of flowers. The grounds looked like the magic carpet from Aladdin or just like the obvious answer, a queen's card guard. The card design was about the size of a football field. It was so big. It was also so gorgeous.

There was a tunnel that was across from the castle. It was a tunnel that was sadly partly fake flowers, but mostly was real flowers. The arched flowers made a beautiful tunnel that had so many colors and so many different types of flowers.

After the tunnel, we decided that it was time to call it a day. on the way back, mom quickly snapped her usual selfie. It was such a wonderful experience and the flowers were so cool and gorgeous. I loved these adventure from the beginning all the way until the end.

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