Thursday, April 11, 2019

Xi'an Local Lunch

This is M&M here and I am going to tell you about our experience at the Xi'an city Bell tower, shopping, and the local lunch. Before our tour guide took us to lunch at a local's house, she took us to the Xi'an city Bell tower. We had to walk a little ways from the car to get there but it wasn't too bad. We were able to see drums lined up against the walls of the tower. The designs were gorgeous and we were amazed at the beauty of the tower.

After walking past the tower and taking a couple of pictures, our tour guide, Celine, took us to a market. We told her on our first day that we wanted to go shopping  sometime during our trip in Xi'an because our other tour guide in Beijing didn't let us have a lot of time to shop. He was like "hurry up" or "we need to hurry ".  Celine took us to the start of the market and told us she would wait at the beginning untill we got back. After she told us some directions, we left and went inside the market. We don't have any pictures but it was very fun. After we shopped for about an hour, we got back to Celine and went to the car to go eat lunch. 

She took us to a local lady's house. The local lady's house was a tourist favorite spot because she taught us how to cook dumplings and made us a big lunch to eat. Right after we arrived at the house, someone knocked on the door and Celine answered it. A girl that looked about 18 came in. Celine told us that this was Vera Yu, our travel consultant.  Mom told me that Vera was the lady that we email a million times with questions and requests for our trip.  She helped plan everything for our China trip. 

We all really liked Vera. She was really nice and we had lots of fun with her. Everyone took lots of pictures together and had fun joking around.

The next thing we did was learn how to make dumplings. The lady whose house we were in showed us how to make the dumpling insides, outsides, how to cook them, and many other things. She started by making dough from just flour and water.  Then she made it into a snake and cut super tiny pieces.  I thought that we were making dumplings for dolls they were so small.

After she cut them, she gave us wood sticks and showed us how to use the stick to flatten out the dough into a round circle.  We all had a wood stick and we all had the chance to roll out the dough.  Even Little Monster could do it.

She had prepared inside stuff, so after we had flat circles, she showed us how to stuff it and close it tight.  The closing tight and sealing it was the hardest part.  Celine, Vera and the lady all had different ways that they learned to seal the dumplings.  It was fun to learn from all three of them this Chinese cultural experience and meal.

After we made all the dumplings, the lady took them into the kitchen to cook.  We were all excited to taste what we just made.  But we didn't just get dumplings, we got a whole huge lunch too. We loved the lunch so much and understood why it was a tourist favorite. We were all seated at a table, our family in one room and the Walkers in another room.  They brought out our dumplings all cooked, and we ate them and they were so delicious.  Then they kept making food and kept bringing out food.  We had chicken, and noodles, pork, rice and vegetables, and so much more.  The food just kept coming and coming, but it was all so amazingly delicious.  Even us kids liked the food. One of the most best part of the lunch was when Mom said, " I am stuffed " We only had a couple things on the table and Celine and Vera kept bringing more plates of food. Mom said, " I think that was the last plate." after we had like 15 plates on the table and Big Sis said, " Nope, I hear sizzling." And sure enough, they brought out another plate. We had lots of fun and we were glad Celine brought us here. 

It was Quinn's birthday and after we all ate Vera surprised her because she brought a cake with her.  We all thought is was the nicest thing.  And the cake was super delicious. It was a special way to celebrate her birthday.

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