Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter 2019

This is M&M and I am going to tell you about our fantastic Easter. The day before Easter Sunday, we dyed eggs. Dad made all of the eggs hard-boiled that morning so we could dye them. We all got 5 eggs and we dyed them all sorts of colors.

Monster had fun dyeing eggs for the first time. Mom had bought him a super hero egg set. So all he needed to do was dye the eggs and give them to mom so she could heat the wrappers that had super heroes onto the eggs.

Big Sis, Little A, and I dyed the eggs to look like rainbows, fading colors, and solid colors all over.

We also made Easter sugar cookies. We cut out a ton of eggs and frosted them so they looked like decorative Easter eggs.

After we all went to bed, the Easter Bunny came and filled our baskets up with fun little toys and candy. Mom and Dad hid the eggs that we made after we ate breakfast and told us to go look for them. We all had our own little portion of the house to look for them. My eggs were hidden in the dining room, Big Sis's eggs were in the office, Little A's eggs were in the entry hall, and Monster's eggs were in the living room.

After all the commotion of the morning, we all got ready for church. We all dressed in Easter colors and went to church. Our best friend from San Antonio, Krista, said we all looked like Easter eggs.

When we got back, we went to the other tower, Jirisan Tower, for an Easter egg hunt on the 10th floor with all the other church members that lived there. We all stayed in the house while one adult explained the rules while the other adults hid the eggs. The rules were that we were only able to find ten eggs each and we could trade candy later if we wanted to. We all had a fun time looking for our ten eggs and after we were finished, we helped the younger kids find theirs.

The younger kids had eggs on the floor, but for the older kids, they hid them up high and in harder to find spots.  It was fun running around the 10th floor trying to find the eggs.

When we were all done we counted our eggs and traded candy.  Some of the kids had a hard time and didn't understand they could only get ten eggs and when their parents took some eggs out, they started crying.  We older kids didn't get ten eggs because some of the kids had more, but we didn't mind, one of the moms came out with a bag of candy and just gave us bug handfuls.

We had a very fun time during Easter week to study more about Christ's life.  Mom did the Holy Week and every day we studied and learned about what Christ did that day.  Mom had scriptures and videos and we did a small art project every day to go along with what we learned.  We posted everything in the family room under the picture of Christ.  I really liked learning about his last Holy Week on Earth.  It helped me understand more.  After we put in His last day, the day of resurrection, we had crepes for dinner and ate some of our hard-boiled eggs with them as well. It was a great Easter this year and we were so happy that we had a fun time with friends and family. 

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