Friday, November 3, 2017

Kids Cafe: La Cartata

We planned to go to a kids cafe today called Bang Bang!  There was a group of us in four cars that drove in search of Bang Bang.  We finally found the parking garage and walked around and around the buildings trying to find the cafe.  We finally found it and rode the teeny tiny elevator to the top floor, only to find that Bang Bang didn't open until 1 pm, which was 3 hours away.  I was determined to make it to a kids cafe today, so I told everyone that I had heard of a cafe called La Cartata and was going to try to find it.  Everyone else was on the same page and we all piled in our cars in search of La Cartata.

The only way to get around in Korea is by using the app: Waze.  However, since all the building are these 6 plus story buildings crammed all in the same location, I had no idea exactly where La Cartata was, just that Waze had declared, "You have arrived".  There was no parking whatsoever,  so we drove around the general location until I found a super-small-up-a-curb-in-a-field spot.  I pulled a Kevin and backed up the car like a boss.

We were surrounded by super tall buildings in all directions, and weren't sure where to go.  Luckily, where we parked, we had a perfect view of the huge building that had a picture of cartoon cars all over the top floor windows and La Cartata written in English and Korean.

We got to the building and rode the super small elevator to the top floor. Here we are all squished in an elevator!

 When the doors opened and the kids saw the cafe, they all started screaming with excitement!  They were so excited they ran past the benches to take shoes off and were trying to run into the Kids Cafe. Luckily, they heeded our calls and we were able to pull their shoes off while they wiggled around trying to get out of our grasps.  Once the shoes were off, the kids were gone.

La Cartata is AMAZING!!  There is an indoor track with at least 40 battery operated ride-on cars.  They even had a hand full of ride-on remote control cars for the kids that can't reach the peddles.  In front of the track were buckets of helmets and pads for the kids.  Each kid grabbed a helmet and hopped in their own car.  Big Sis had her knees in her chest and looked like she was in a clown car, but she still rode around the track a few times.  M&M and Little A were in car heaven.

Little Monster found his car and I used the remote control to take him around the track.  He must have thought he was driving because he was making car noises, turning the wheel, laughing and shouting.  After Big Sis realized her car was going ridiculously slow due to her weight, she took over the remote and drove the Monster around.

After Little A had her share of driving her car around, she went exploring the rest of the Kids Cafe.  She found a slide that shot her into a huge ball pit. Big Sis and M&M also found the ball pit and slide.  They enjoyed the turning wheel and spun around and around.

There was an overlook above the track where Little A decided to explore.  She found a small play kitchen and food.  There were cute paintings on the wall, and a huge assortment of play food.

I was able to convince Little Monster to take a break from his car and go exploring.  He found the Korean "sand/wood cubes" pit!  He and Little A enjoyed playing with the wood cubes. We were lucky to have such amazing friends join us.  Here is Little A with one of her best friends, Ella.

We also found a trampoline jump room.  There were flashing lights and colorful trampolines.  The trampoline was set up like the one at Big Jump, where there was an incline to the trampoline to make it a slide at one end.  The room was surrounded with padding and of course, in Korean fashion, there was a music video playing and music blaring.

Little Monster also found a Music area with a piano, drums, and an assortment of musical instruments.  I was impressed by the variety of toys and the like-new and well-cared-for condition they were in.

The kids wouldn't let us leave until they rode the cars one last time.  I told them three times around the track and then we needed to go.  They all raced around the track and Big Sis drove Little Monster.  They all left exclaiming that this was their new favorite place in Korea, and of course, asked if we could go back tomorrow.

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