Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Hey there, Big Sis here! The first time my family and I went to Everland was for the rides and crowded places. We are going back now for the animals there and the other half of the park to explore and see. Last time, we only saw the first half because we wanted to spend our day wisely, but now we are going to see the pandas, basic zoo animals, and the interesting areas.

We made our lunches, dressed up in proper clothes for a theme park, and filled our camel-backs. We didn't need so much stuff this time because we now know what is necessary and what isn't. This time we had much lighter backpacks and more space for other things.

We all piled in the car and we started our second journey to Everland. We invited two other families to come with us to Everland for extra fun. We invited the Arny's which are our friends, and the Condor's which are our friends and neighbors.

We arrived to Everland in less than an hour and waited in line to check into the park. The park changed the decorations from Halloween to Christmas decorations. Instead of ghost in every corner, there were ornaments and beautiful trees.

Fall time in Korea is so much more pretty than back in San Antonio! The trees start to fade in beautiful ways and are so bright. Red leaves were my favorite to see along with the orange, yellow, and the fading trees too. Everland was covered in these type of trees. But, since it was fall time, it was pretty cold too. Korea gets real cold real fast!

After we admired the beautiful trees, we headed towards the animals section of the theme park. We saw birds, monkeys, tigers, lions, flamingos, giraffe, antelope, donkeys, cheetahs, sheep, bunnies, and guinea pigs.

My favorite animals to see was in a place called Panda World, you guessed it, the Giant Pandas.

There were two pandas and, oh boy, they were very fat ones. One panda was a girls and the other was a boy panda. They were really fun to watch even though they were mostly sleeping and slowly chewing on bamboo. My favorite thing that one of the pandas did, was knocked over their pile of bamboo next to them and had the look of "Really?" on her face. The next second she is showing her behind to the air with an arm hanging to try to reach her fallen bamboo. That gave me a good laugh.

After we left Panda World, we bought dinner and headed to see the Everland light parade. While we waited for the parade to start I ran into a store and got a Christmas present for M&M along with Little A. I also got a souvenir for myself and left just in time to see the most amazing light parade ever.

We left Everland after the fireworks which happened after the light parade, and went home super late at night. I had a great day in Everland for the second time.

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