Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Let's Talk about Air Quality

South Korea's Air Quality is seriously the worst!  About half the time, the air quality is considered in the unhealthy zone.

If the Air Quality Index falls below 60, M&M starts having a difficult time breathing.  Around 50, I start getting headaches.  Anything below 30 is just brutal!
At some points, the air quality is so bad that you can look directly at the sun and it doesn't hurt your eyes because so much smog is covering up the sun.

When we got here and found out how bad the air is and how ofter it gets in the unhealthy zone, I bought all of us masks!  As long as we wear the masks, M&M doesn't have problems breathing and I don't get headaches! I always try to remember to check my two air quality apps before we walk out the door.

It took a while to convince Little Monster to keep his mask on, but we have to wear our masks so often, since this is a walking base, that the Monster is used to it now.

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