Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving in Korea

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year.  Thanksgiving ended up being an entire day for us.  Well, if you consider baking the food, it ended up being a few days.  The older girls helped me make pies the day before Thanksgiving.  We made a Chocolate Silk Pie, Pumpkin Pecan Pie, Blueberry, Lemon Meringue and a Key Lime pie.

I made the crusts with the help of Big Sis and M&M, and the rest of the pies were pretty much all made by Big Sis and M&M!

We also spent the day before making crescent rolls and our famous 12 layer jello.  It takes a minimum of 6 hours to make this jello, which is why I only make it two times a year.  I had to scramble to find grape and blue raspberry jello.  The commissary does not carry a single purple or blue jello, and I didn't have time to order it on Amazon.  I placed a plea on facebook for the jello, and was lucky enough to get super quick responses with two people who had some in their pantry from moving here.  Thank Goodness! Dinner was saved by amazing neighbors, because we all know Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving with out "Rainbow" (as my kids call it) 12 layer jello.

Thanksgiving day, we had a house full of new friends, neighbors, unaccompanied co-workers and strangers.  The evening started as a rag tag group of strangers and we all left as friends.  We asked everyone to bring food to contribute to the meal.  We had beans, green bean casserole, turkey, stuffing, 12 layer jello, homemade crescent rolls, store bought Hawaiian rolls, and a few more dishes.  We also had about 12 bottles of sparkling cider.  We ended up having about 18 people in our house and it was great!

After everyone ate, we played a few games.  We also had the Wii on and the kids and adults were playing Mario Kart.  A lot of the unaccompanied guys had other places to go, so they didn't stay very long.

Since a lot of the people were associated with Kevin, I set up a game night with some of my friends.  We still had a few people here from the day, when our second shift of people started showing up.  We set up a dessert table, and gathered around the table to play games.  We then spent the next few hours with our friends: the Arny's, Lee's and Condor's! We played Code names with teams and had a blast!

By the time everyone left it was after 9PM.  We had a day with our little apartment bursting at the seams with lots of amazing people.  It was so wonderful to have so many people in our home playing games, being friends and showing love.  It was a stressful, fun, delicious, amazing night.  I am Thankful for great friends that always make us feel like family.

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