Friday, November 24, 2017

Osan's First Snow

There was no school the day after Thanksgiving, so we spent the morning doing chores and practicing instruments.  Big Sis was in the back room practicing her violin, M&M was in her room practicing her cello, Little A was in the family room getting ready to dusty and the big sliding glass door was open to let sun in, when all of a sudden I heard a huge scream and then repeated screams.  I ran into the room to find out what was wrong, to see Little A by the sliding door jumping up and down screaming over and over, "SNOW! SNOW!  It's SNOWING". The other two girls heard the screaming and the music stopped instantly.  They both ran out of their rooms as fast as they could, without slipping on our tile floor, to see Osan's first snow. Our back door is swung wide open and three little girls run out onto our balcony proclaiming to all of Osan base that it is snowing. Little Monster heard all the fuss and also came running out to see what excited his sisters so much.
All around us there are huge snow flurries coming down.  As I am on the balcony trying to convince Little A and Big Sis to come in because it is freezing, I hear the front door open and close.  When we get inside Little A runs to the door and runs out.  It takes me a while to realize that two of my kids ran outside in pajamas and sneakers.  I ran out and caught them before they got on the elevator.  My snow deprived kids didn't have any idea that snow is cold and wet!  It takes forever for me to convince them to get in their snow gear.  The second they have all their snow gear on, they disappear out the door.  Kevin, Little Monster and I come out a few minutes after the girls. 

The girls were in a pure fantasy land of magic snow!  They made snow angels,

They made a snowman.

They had a snowball fight.

I even tried to softly throw a snowball at Little Monster.

He definitely didn't appreciate that one.  The second the cold ball hit him he burst out screaming and yelling "cold cold cold".  I got a very stern look from Kevin as he swept him up and told me I was not nice, HAHA!!

We stayed out with the kids for about an hour, but by this time, Little Monster was shivering and kept saying "cold". Kevin and I went inside with Little Monster and let the girls stay out with friends.

While they were out with friends, the girls went sledding down the hill that was across the street.  They had a few more snowball fights and made another snowman.  

It was definitely one of the best days!  They had such a great time and truly thought it was magic snow.  

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