Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday Boy's School

A few months ago, my little Monster started getting stranger and separation anxiety.  He refused to go to anyone but me.  Even people he knew, he started crying when I left him.  He was even giving Kevin a hard time, always crying for "mommy".  It was getting super bad.  There was one friend he would always play with, Rhett.  Monster loves Rhett and will play at Rhett's house.  One day, I had this miraculous heaven sent idea, start a rotating Boys School Co-op.  I called up my friends, Corianne, Heather, and Cherry and asked if they would want to start a Friday Boy's School.  Everyone loved the idea and we started the very next Friday.

I had the first day, since Monster wouldn't go to anyone else's house.  We sang songs, played games, ate a snack, blew bubbles and played.  He was a little shy at first and didn't like sharing his toys, but in the end, he was happy.

Since our first Friday Boy's School, each and every boy looks forward to Friday and loves playing with each other.  These little boys have become the best of friends.  It is so fun seeing Monster light up when I tell him it is Friday.  He knows what happens on Fridays!
We rotate houses, and this has been an answered prayer.  Because of Friday Boys School, Monster quickly got over his fear of separating from me.  He loves going to his friend's houses and now cries when it is time to leave.

Sometimes we have good air quality, so they boys love going to the playground together.  I don't know who loves boy school more, me or Monster.

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