Thursday, March 7, 2019

Malaysia: Langkawi's Gondola Ride, Skybridge & Beach

Today we spent the day in Langkawi, Malaysia.  We got ready for the day and departed the ship as soon as we could.  As we were walking out, we bumped into Randy and Alesha Jones and their family.  We asked them what the were doing today, and they said they were going up to the skywalk and then the beach.  Sine our plans were the same, we decided we would share a taxi together.  We got off the bus and were swarmed by taxi driver.  Every single person we walked by tried to convince us to go with them.  We found a guy who was trying to get us to hire him for the day and he would take us anywhere we wanted and wait for us, then bring us back before the ship departed.  I really wanted to go to the beach and Kevin wanted to make it a short day, so I pushed for the all day taxi.  If we were with another family, and they wanted to go to the beach, then it was more likely Kevin would agree.  I'm so slick!  Lol.  So we hired the driver.

Our first stop was the Oriental Village were the Skycab Gondola's were located.  We walked through the village to the gondolas.  We bought our tickets for a private glass bottom gondola on Klook, so we redeemed our tickets and walked right in.  The wait was a little longer, only because the glass bottom gondolas were only one every twenty or so.  The Jones were in front of us, so they got the first glass bottom and we waited a while longer for the next one.

We got on and enjoyed the view.  The Langkawi Skycab is the tallest gondola in the world, with the steepest grade.  The kids had so much fun looking out the window and seeing the mountains and the ocean.

We got to the top of the mountain and got off our gondola.  There are two options to get to the skywalk, the first is a tram that takes you down the mountain to the bridge, and the second is stairs.  The line to the tram was long, so we decided to walk the stairs.  It was a short and beautiful hike down 346 stairs.  Little A and M&M counted every stair, it was a great way to distract them from the climb down.

We got to the skybridge and walked around.  Poor Kevin is quite uncomfortable with heights, so we had to do a lot of convincing to get him out on the bridge.  The view was so incredible.  The mountains and the ocean and all around was just so pretty.  There were a few places on the bridge were the ground was glass, so you could see all the way down.  Kevin and Little A avoided those spots.  We got to the end of the bridge and heard the yells and screams of monkeys, so for the mental health of Little A, we decided to turn around about 10 feet until we reached the end and the monkeys.   There were signs everywhere saying don't feed the monkeys.

As we were making our way to the other side of the bridge, we saw Alesha and asked her to take a family picture for us.  She knew Kevin didn't like heights, so she kept telling us to back up and she took a long time.  Kevin was gripping my hand so hard, and when he finally realized what Alesha was doing, he laughs and yells, I hate you Alesha.  We all laugh, and she takes a picture.  After the picture, Kevin and Little A makes a bee line to the end of the bridge back to the stairs.

We made our way back to the top where the gondolas are waiting to take us back down the mountain.  All the kids are pretty tired, so we get them all some popsicles to re-charge their batteries and get back in the gondola.

It's past lunch time, and all the kids are beginning to loose it, so we stay in the Oriental Village to grab some lunch.  Our kids found a Subway, so we keep it on the boring, non-adventurous American side and just got them that. The Jones are more adventurous and ate at the large food court.

We get back in the Taxi and are on our way to the beach.  Langkawi beaches are supposed to be top ten in the world, so I am excited to get to a clean beach.  The beach has great white sand and the waves are perfect for the kids.  We rented a chair, dumped our stuff and all got in the water.  The kids alternated from swimming in the ocean and playing in the sand.

The kids enjoyed finding little crabs and starfish in the sand.  The sand was super hot, but as long as it was wet, it wasn't burning them.  Luckily the Jones' brought sand toys, so the kids had plenty to play with.

After being at the beach about an hour, Little Monster is so excited to see Rhett running down the beach towards him.  The Rust and Schwartz's ended up picking the same beach we were at!  All the kids are so excited to see friends.  Going places with friends make it a million times better with kids.

All of us adults have a great time too.  We all talk and swim in the ocean.  It was so nice to spend a few hours in the hot sun at a beautiful beach with great friends.

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