Saturday, March 9, 2019

Thailand: Speedboat Tour of Phi Phi Ley, Phi Phi Don, Khai Nok Islands

Thanks to the Rusts for advice on island hopping, they were able to secure for us a day long excision through the driver they had before, and do a speed boat tour around the islands off of Phuket. This was amazing primarily because we had the chance to go on this excursion with all our trip families: The Schwartz, the Rusts, Strommers, Jones, Foster's! We piled up 20 some odd people to make the trek around the islands.

We travelled to our first of three swimming spots: Phi Phi Ley.

Besides being super crowded, this alcove area of the island was incredible with crystal clear blue water and very warm water. Our drivers parked the boat and we all dove in! Everyone got in the water, even little monster.

The best part was Corianne Schwartz overcoming her fear of the open ocean and getting in the water. Only took the taunting of her sisters on this trip to convince her to finally jump in!

From there we went next to just the sight seeing portion: Monkey Island, Pileh Cove, Monkey Beach and the viking cave. After quick stops at each, we went went on our way to Phi Phi Don island.

Prior to hoping onto the island we stopped at the reefs around the island for some snorkeling. Snorkeling for me is probably one of the most enjoyable things I ever do, and this place was no exception. We all jumped in, even little monster for a swim, and enjoyed looking around at what I learned were Parrot Fish (which was a fun fact I learned from my future marine biologist Big Sis).

Phi Phi Don island was super crowded, literally with 100 boats all that had carried people there.

There was a huge buffet restaurant that must make a killing since most of the tour guides take their people there. Nice part was that the food was awesome and there we no wait, since up to this point we had already been on the excursion for a few hours. We ate the restaurant, did some shopping for a moment, and then Tyler Rust came back so excited to introduce us to a Rodie! Basically its a crepe that is flavored certain ways, and pretty much was the most amazing thing ever. We had to go back and get some for the kids, so we bought some cinnamon ones, and a lemon flavored one: DON'T MIND IF I DO. We hoped back on the boat and went to our final destination: Khai Nok Island.

Now Khai Nok Island is a double edged sword, or at least the ground you walk on is as sharp as swords. So due to the 1000's of people who come here everyday, the location is suffering from severe destruction to he coral reefs, which then break off into a million people and wash up on the shore. The shore was like walking on a million shards of glass as a result, and was sad to see.

The only saving grace for this place was that the fish here eat pineapple right of your hand. Little monster and the kids had so much fun getting their fingers nibbled on by the little fishes trying to kill the fruit in our hands.

 The water was still so beautiful and warm, so it made for a good ending to a day of island hopping!

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