Friday, December 1, 2017

M&M Cello Christmas Performance

There was a base wide Christmas Tree lighting Party this evening at 5 PM.  About a month ago, M&M's cello teacher asked if she would perform at the party.  When M&M found out that the entire base was invited to the party, she was extremely nervous.

The evening started with everyone gathered around the huge outdoor Christmas tree.  There was free hot chocolate and cookies and everyone was signing Christmas carols.  After the tree was officially turned on, everyone walked a block to the Officer's Club where the party and free dinner was located.  During the reception type dinner, there were a few performances that took place on the stage.  M&M and a few of her fellow cellist, were one of the performances.  She ended up playing four Christmas sounds, two of which were duets.  She did a fabulous job and looked so dang cute!!  We sure are proud of our musical little M&M.

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