Wednesday, December 20, 2017

150 Hand Warmers

Since Big Sis is now in young women's, we can find service projects for her and everyone else that needs a value project completed. The leaders and I came up with the idea of make hand warmers. The hand warmer are going to be used for each and everyone of the security force workers and each of the three gate of the base. The only way to get on or back on base was through the gates along with an ID check.  Temperatures are beyond what we are used to back in San Antonio. The lowest these days are in the high 10's and the highest are in the low 30's! Just imagine what it is like to be standing out in that weather for a very long time just check ID's! We came up with the idea because we all felt bad for all those workers and we wanted to do something nice for them.
There is a family that lives under us just like every else. We just so happen to be right above the head of the security forces! To start of the project, we asked him if we could make each if the ID check workers hand warmers. We also asked him the required colors to make thee and the colors where navy blue, tan, and black. On a free Saturday morning, me and Big Sis took trip to a store called Happy Quilt. We went there to buy the materials for the hand warmers. we where in and out in no time.

Two weeks later, on a mutual night with the youth, we all brought our sewing machines, our fabric scissors, and a bucket full of rice. We where very excited to have the young men join us in this project. We all separated into 4 groups, the cutters, the first sewers, the fillers, and the resealer's.
Big Sis was part of the first sewers group where 4 other worked with her. There was 4 cutters, 6 fillers, and 3 resealer's. a lot of other people attended other than the youth. The branch president and 5 other families came to help also.

The task was to make and finish 150 hand warmers before we all had to go home. There was a lot of laughter, working, and help that was presented at the service project. Big Sis said that it was a lot of fun to work with others and help the security at the gates. We worked for a full hour and half to finish this project. When we where out of material and the resealing, we all counted the amount of hand warmers we had, and the total was 163!

The Branch president took the hand warmers to the security forces and delivered them. They were all very happy that we did this service project for them. I think the youth and Big Sis really enjoyed make these warmers. I know I did. Every time we get our ID's checked, one of their hands are always in their pockets and we all think that in that pocket is one out of the 163 hand warmers are in there.
It was so much fun seeing all the youth having so much fun doing this project.

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