Thursday, December 28, 2017

Petite France

Since Kevin had a few days off during Christmas Break, we decided to take advantage of this time and do some more exploring in Korea.  We found this place called Petite France that was out by a lake and mountain side that was supposed to be a quaint little town representing a small French town.  We loaded sack lunches, hats, gloves, and coats into the car and went out for an adventure.

It was funny, right away, to see the sign on the building, it was written in English and Korean.  The town really did look as cute as people said it would.

Inside the, well, I guess it would be an amusement park of a small degree, there were performances and puppet shows and demonstrations.  There were also beautiful paths around the property to overlook the lake and see the mountainside.

Along the paths, we found a covered walkway that was covered with lights and was super pretty.  Of course, I had to get a picture.

We found out that the reason this town was build where it was, is because the lake and mountainside it was built on, looks exactly like a real town in France.  There was a building that had pictures showing Petite France as compared to a real town in France.

Petite France would not be complete without its own Eiffel Tower. M&M was so excited when she saw the Eiffel Tower.  I'm not sure why, but she LOVES the Eiffel Tower.

There were a few building, kind of like mini museums, where we could see old French furniture, and art work, and musical instruments.  There were four houses that were decorated like a duke and a duchess home.

We enjoyed the art gallery.  The kids especially liked the furniture that was in the art gallery.

There was also a model room.  It had model railroads and model cars.  Little Monster especially loved this room.  He kept trying to go over the railing to grab the cars.  I'm pretty sure we would have been kicked out if he had succeeded.

One thing about Koreans, which I am sure I have already said, is that they love blonde kids.  I was walking with Little Monster outside and a group a Korean women saw him and they all were picking him up and passing him around.  Each of them were taking selfies with him and cooing all over him.  After taking selfies, they started taking mini-group photo sessions with him.  Monster was just looking at me like, "what on earth are these strangers doing"?  I'm pretty sure his min photo shoot lasted a good 15 minutes.  He was defiantly a big hit and a super star today.

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