Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas in Korea!

This Christmas was a simple Christmas for us. With knowing that everything we buy, we have to find a place for it in this tiny government apartment, and knowing that we have to move everything in about a year and a half, we didn't have a huge Christmas.

A few years ago, we started a tradition where our kids only get four gifts to open from us.  The kids will get something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read.  I love seeing their Christmas lists.  They divide a paper into four and write at the top of each section, "want", "need", "wear", "read".  Of course, Santa always gets them their want gift, the other three are from mom and dad.

As they open their gifts they get so excited and exclaim, "this is my read", "this is my wear"!

It has really brought the focus away from gifts and comparing what they got to their siblings.  It makes it easier for me when I buy gifts for them too.  The kids are never disappointed at Christmas, because they always know they will get four gifts.  Of course, they usually end up with much more because they get gifts from Grandma and Grandpa, and Krista and her family sent gifts too.  And Nana sent gifts.

 Little Monster had a great Christmas!  This was the first Christmas where he began to understand that under the wrappings were something fun.  I also found, at a garage sale, a motorized Tow- Mater Car.  Little Monster loves the movie Disney's Cars.  It was fun to see him get so excited about the car, and somehow he right away knew to push the button to make it move.  So cute!

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