Thursday, December 28, 2017

Garden of the Morning Calm

One of Korea's treasures is the Garden of the Morning Calm.  It is a beautiful botanical garden.  During the Cherry Blossom season, is is blossoming with the most gorgeous colors of flowers.  During the winter season, they cover everything with Christmas lights and have light shows.  Since everyone lives in apartments here, there aren't any Christmas lights.  Usually during Christmas time, we take the kids for a drive around our neighborhood and enjoy the lights from all the houses.

Since we couldn't do that this year, we decided to drive to the Garden on the Morning Calm and see the lights there.  Boy am I glad we did this!  The Gardens were so beautiful.  The only downside was that it was freezing.  Super super cold.  Everyone was pretty much triple layered with clothes.  We even had a huge blanket on little Monster.  Pretty much all you could see of him was his eyes.

We arrived at the garden early, around 5:00.  I was told the lights turned on at 5:00 and it's less crowded.  I also wanted to be able to take pictures where you could see the lights and see us in the picture.

You can see for yourself, that is was gorgeous.  I am going to apologize ahead of time, because there will probably be a TON of pictures.

M&M and Big Sis's most favorite part was this huge open field where they strung blue lights to make it look like an ocean.  There must have been tens of thousands of lights on this section.  Sure enough, there was a boat and two dolphins jumping out in full light glory.

And of course, in full Korean fashion, there was a light tunnel.  Everywhere we go, we always see light tunnels.  But, I am so glad, because they are beautiful.

When the sun set and it was dark, the Koreans started to pour in.  There were so many people we could barely walk.  Lines for pictures started to form, and there were no longer views for my kids to see because they are small and people were all around them blocking their views.  We decided this was a good time to leave.  We ended up leaving around 6:15.  I am so glad we got there early.  It was nice to enjoy the lights without so many people and to be able to get some great pictures.  All the kids exclaimed that this was amazing and begged to go back.

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