Thursday, February 1, 2018

Brazilian Jujitsu

Hello, Big Sis here. Jujitsu is a very unique thing. It isn't anything like Taek-won-do, it's much much better the that. Jujitsu is a class that teaches you techniques that help little kids protect themselves. It isn't just kicks and punches, it's more like being on top of someone and defense.
Professor Ku-yae was the main instructor of the class.

Of course he had assistances. There were always about 3-8 of them. They taught the kids something new and we practiced it on the adults. We do a lot of stretching and warming up before class. I honestly thought that there was way to much time to warm-up than necessary. After warming up, we would learn the new technique of the day. We would usually practice it on adults first, and then assigned parters of equal heights to practice on again. But, my personal favorite part of jujitsu, was the ending activity. There where two options to always pick from. If there was 10 minutes left, we would do sparing, you know, fight each other. But, it's not the type of fighting you think, will maybe, depending on what you're thinking. You raise your hand if you want to volunteer and the professor chooses you and another volunteer that is about the same height. We basically tackle each other until your time is up, or until you, or your parter, is in a hold that you can't get out of. That was my favorite thing to do.

The second option is the fun game-like option. It is basically a game, just different. The adults are acting like lions that are hungry for lunch. The kids on the edge are the gazelles. The objective of the game is to not get caught by the hungry lions and be out of the game. The only rule was that you have to stay on all fours, or else you are automatically out. There are two versions of this game, the out option, or the zombie option!(the kids usually choose the zombie option) Zombie lions and gazelles was invented for halloween, but we played it all year long. The zombie version is where if you get caught by the lions, you become a lion along with the other lions. The last gazelle standing is the winner. You should try it sometime soon too you know.

Hi! This is M&M here. Big Sis and I  have done Jujitsu for the past 6 months. It is so fun!

We learn martial art moves like the neck lock, escaping from a back hold, and lots others that I can't remember. We do basics like the front roll, back roll, and fall-get-back-up move.

You earn stripes along the way to advance to the next belt. Sad thing is that you have to be a certain age to get a certain Belt. One of my class mates is 12 and he is only  gray-white stripe. That is only one belt above the white. (Our previous belt.) I did earn one stripe on my belt!  I was so happy!

The thing is that lots of people, and I mean LOTS of people get jujitsu mixed up with taekwondo. In taekwondo, you have to do a certain sequence to get to the next belt, While in jujitsu, you have to be a certain age to get the next belt. BOO! We learn so many things from our Professor Ku-yae. He teaches us everything we need to know about Jujitsu. We have four other instructors that teach us too. But they mostly show what we are learning that day, help us do it right, or spar us.

We spar like every other martial arts, but instead of kicking at the other person like they are a bad guy that needs to be kicked in taekwondo, we literally tackle them to the ground and try to win the fight (not hurtfully) because that's what you do in Jujitsu.

Me and Big Sis love jujitsu and are so happy that our mom found this martial arts for us.

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