Friday, February 2, 2018

Kids Cafe: Dada Nori (Again)

Hi this is M&M here and I am going to tell you about my time at the Kids Cafe Dada Nori.

There was no school today, so Mom took us to a Kids Cafe called Dada Nori. We had so much fun! There was so many things to do there. Big Sis, Little A, and Monster quickly split up to have fun while mom was putting our stuff in the locker. We went with a few neighbors who also have daughter that are Little A's friends.

Monster went off to build something with the building blocks. Big sis went off to the ball canons while I went of to the building blocks. I quickly lost track off time while I built Monster a house! It was amazing.

After that me and Big Sis had races on the roller slide. We had so much fun sliding down the slide. Big sis and I even had races to see who could get up first but we weren't so successful. After all it was a roller slide.

Big Sis and I also had fun playing with the little blocks that look like a sand box and some huge dominos. We made a trail and made the dominos all fall.

Monster had lots of fun on the slide. He even found a Merri-go-round that he loved until it started to go too fast for his liking. He was yelling " NO LIKE, NO LIKE!"

After he got off, he ran to the Bumper cars. He raced away with Little A and her friends at his tail. You had to try to hit the targets on each of the other cars. The cars also had a system where it played music every time you turned. It got quit annoying after a couple runs.

Big Sis and I ALSO did a few runs and we were chasing each other's tails until our time was up.

Monster, Little A , and her friends all ran to the train to get a ride. They were shouting at us to go on, but Big Sis and I didn't want to because it was super slow and looked boring.

We went to the trampoline instead. Mom had fun just chilling with her friends. We stayed there for about 2 hours until returning home. We had lots of fun and can't wait to go again.

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