Monday, February 19, 2018

Team USA Winterfest: Yongsan

There was no school today and Kevin had the day off of work, so we spent the weekend in Seoul at US Army Garrison Yongsan.  Yesterday we saw the War Memorial of Korea, so today we went to the MWR event- Team USA Winterfest.  We arrived at the event and were immediately bring pulled by the kids towards the different candy booths.

The event was sponsored by Hershey's candy, so there were men handing out free Hershey's Gold candy bars.  The kids kept getting handful, after handful of the little candy bars.

Since Hershey's is a key ingredient in s'mores, there was also a s'mores booth, where we got to roast marshmallows and make our very own s'mores.

The entire purpose of this event was to support Team USA in the olympics, so there was also a mini curling table at the event to attempt to curl.  The kids had a blast at curling!  We took turns being the ones with the brushes, and also being the one who pushed the "ice block".

After going to every single booth outside, we made our way to the inside event.  There were two separate things going on inside the event, one was a live concert and show.  We were able to see a cheer squad, Al Roker and Craig Melvin from the Today Show, Cedric the entertainer,  and my favorite, a live concert featuring Rachel Platten!  I really love her songs!  I was really excited about seeing her live.

The other thing going on inside was the meet, greet and autographs of Olympians!  This included the silver medallist figure skater, Sasha Cohan.  The girls were excited to meet a real figure skater.  There was also an Army soldier, Matt Mortensen and his teammate Jayson Terdiman, who were competing in the doubles luge for this, the PyeongChang Olympics. Lastly there was Garrett Hines who was a former silver medalist for the bobsledding team.

The event was really neat, the only problem was that the autograph part wasn't organized very well!  We ended up standing in line for two hours to get Sasha's autograph.  When Cedric the Entertainer and the cheer performance performed, they closed the autographs so that they could see the show.  Super annoying!!  By the time we got in the front, we were next in line, and they closed it so the Olympians could watch the comedy show.  When it opened back up Sasha didn't come back!  We were so upset!  The girls were able to get the autograph of Matt and Jayson, but they were the only ones there.

We stayed hovering for a while, and then I spotted her behind the stage.  One of the stage hands asked if we needed anything.  I said, "YES!  We need Sasha!  We've waited two hours to see her and she's right there, can you just ask her to turn around so we can get a picture."  He actually did go over and ask her, and to our surprise, she turned and gave the girls a hug and took a picture with them!  We were so grateful!!

The kids were hungry and pretty much done by this point.  We had already been at the festival for four hours.  I asked if we could stay for just two songs!  Just two!  I made a deal with the kids, that if they let me stay for just two songs, we would stop at the park on the way home.  I had been waiting all day for Rachel's concert.  They were sweet enough to sit and let me enjoy, sing along and dance to the first two songs, then as I promised, we left.  I was super sad to miss the concert, but I knew the kids were done!

Since The Today Show was featuring the event, we actually ended up on the Today Show clip about the Winterfest! It was pretty cool to have family text me and tell me they saw us on national TV!

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