Saturday, February 24, 2018

Gwanchoksa Temple

After the Strawberry picking, we went to the Gwanchoksa Temple!  This temple is in the same area as the strawberry picking place (Nonsan), so we decided to make a full day trip out of it!

When we first got to the temple, we were greeted by a small hallway, which is known as the Cheonwangmun gate.  On either side of the hall were two statues, each with a different item in their hand.  One had a guitar and another had a sword.  These statues are known as the shrunken-headed four Heavenly Kings.

Next we ascended up a steep staircase.  I had to hold little Monster because I was worried he would trip and fall down the stone staircase.

We then came to an open area with buildings all around.  There was a huge and beautiful two story building that was painted intricately in the traditional Korean colors.

There were detailed paintings of flowers, designs, people and faces.  The colors were so stunning!  Inside we could hear chanting and worshiping taking place.

To the right of the building was the largest stone statue I have seen!  This is the main reason why people come to this temple- the18 meter tall statue of the Stone Standing Maitreya of Gwanchoksa Temple.  This is the largest stone Buddha in Korea!  This stone statue was built about 1000 AD!

Next to the stone Buddha is the stone lantern!  I loved how the tips all curled towards the heavens.  I'm sure during the spring and summer it is absolutely beautiful because it was surrounded by flower pots!

Next to the lantern and Buddha is the stone four-tier pagoda.  All the stone work was so beautifully crafted and preserved!  It was neat to see something made so very long ago!

The last thing we saw was a covered bell.  I have no idea what the bell was for or what it represented,  but it was beautiful and I wanted a picture with it!  Ha!  So if anyone knows what this bell is, let me know!

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