Saturday, February 24, 2018

Nonsan Strawberry Picking

An-yong-hash-nim-neec-a, this is Big Sis here. FYI I just said "Hello there" in Korean. The reason I know this, is because I have been taking Korean class at school. Anyway, I am going to write about  the Nonsan Strawberry Picking patch (AKA a strawberry green house.) It was about an hour drive from Osan Air Base, but it seemed pretty fast.

When we drove in the entrance of the Strawberry Farm, me and my siblings started to become very curious and excited. If you know Monster very well, he knows an animal when he sees one, especially a dog. Well, it turns out, since this is basically a farm, there where many farm animals there such as dogs, many cats, a few tortoises, bunnies, and (no joke) a goat! But, besides the super cute animals and a crazy Monster yelling "Puppy! Puppy! Puppy!", we headed towards the green house for the real reason we where there.

When you arrive to the Strawberry farm, you have to check in and pay to stay. The reason is because(wait for it...) you get to eat an unlimited amount of strawberries. But, the sad part was, you could only eat the strawberries you pick there, and you're not allowed to take any out of the farm unless you buy some. We where given a guide that could speak English, and we headed to green house 9 out of the 40 green houses.

"BEES", I yelled when I walked in. Yep, I am very afraid of bees. Me along with M&M and Little A ran behind mom for protection. That didn't really do anything, because all she did was push us back in front of her and tell us the 'buck up'. Pretty much what a mom would say to you for a really pointless fear. After calming down and realizing that the bees had no interest in us, we moved along the long aisle of the biggest and reddest strawberries I had every seen in my life. All we had to do was listen to the guide on how to pick a strawberry that was the sweetest (based on the shape of the stem) and how to pick it with out killing the plant. After that, we were set loose and were having the strawberry dream of our life.

Monster devoured every strawberry he saw within a 5 foot radius, he would run, pull it off as quick as possible and eat it whether it was a red one or even a green one.

I however, just simply walked down the aisle and picked about 10 strawberries that where the biggest and the reddest ones in the green house.

These strawberries were literally the best strawberries I have even eaten.  They tasted so sweet and yummy!

M&M ate so many strawberries that she was beginning to feel sick.  Actually, I think we all ate ourselves sick.

Since it was a green house, the green house radiation made me and everyone else start to feel real hot, so we decided to pick just a few more strawberries, quickly eat them, and go outside of the green house to cool off in the 60 degree wind. Yes, it was still feels like winter here. We asked our guide if there was anything else that we could do there to pass the time, and there was, it was kite flying. To be honest, I am a pretty decent kite flyer if there was a good enough wind, and oh boy there was a very strong wind on a certain field at the farm. That's where we flew the kites.

We where given two kites to use. Little A was like a flash when she was handed the kite because all she did was take off running towards the field. She was more then excited to fly the kite!  M&M kind of sort of started off the flying part of the kite, but it didn't last long due to the way she was flying the kite. I started off Little A and M&M and they where having so much fun. Monster even tried it too.

After about 20 minutes of kite flying, we turned the kites back in. We had the option of making strawberry jam, but we didn't have much time left to stay at the Strawberry farm. Instead, we finally convinced mom and dad to go pet the animals. When we went over to the bunnies, our guide ran into us and he noticed us looking at the bunnies. He opened the gate and gave us strawberries to feed them. It was so much fun watching them eat up the strawberries. They where so soft too.

The goat didn't really like to be petted, but we feed him anyway. After a few minutes of petting the dogs and looking at the tortoises, we had to leave. It was a very interesting and amazing event in the middle of February. This was surely an adventure to remember.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! What great pictures with all those ruby red strawberries! And what an awesome guide. He let you feed berries to the bunnies! I love it!
