Saturday, February 10, 2018

Osan Daddy Daughter Dance

Having three daughters can sure be an amazing experience! I have been trying during their lifetimes to demonstrate the type of man they should date when they are older, which means that you take them out to do things that I do with Heather in order to help them learn by example what dating is. In Feb this year, right before Valentines Day, the 51st Force Support Squadron put on another amazing event. Now I am very partial of our medical group, but this squadron is the one that puts on lots of extra events for families to attend each year, with the focus to enhance the family through fun activities. Falls right in line with The Family: A Proclamation to the World!

This year, one of those events was for dads to take their girls out. Our neighbor is the squadron commander over the people who put this one, so he, another LtCol and myself all threw on our mess dress (military tuxedo for special occasions) and took our little girls out. This made it super fun for Little A in particular since many of those kids are the ones she skates around the hallway with. We danced, had an Italian dinner (to satisfy the Garfield cat in me) and had a really good time.

What stood out to me however, was when I got the tickets I was concerned that Big Sis might not want to go. She's in the awkward tween stage where she too old to be young but way to young to be old, and I honestly thought she might think that she was too old for something like this. Got the ticket anyway, but she surprised me when she said that she really wanted to go too. Made me glad that I am still cool enough to be seen in public with.

All it in all it was a great night! It made me grateful that just as much as the mission is important to the military, the mission of magnifying the member is just as critical, and this was a wonderful night together!


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