Sunday, March 11, 2018

Bali Day 2: (Part 1): Tegenungan Waterfall, Kemenuh Butterfly Garden & Silver Village

We started today by going to the Tegenungan Waterfall.  We thought we would have to trek a little to get to the waterfall, but we were very wrong.  To get to the waterfall you first have to walk through a few hundred yards of vendor booths before you get to the stairway to the waterfall.  Right before the stairs is a picture perfect lookout point.  You can see all of us in the above picture ready to see a beautiful waterfall- Betsy, me, Sarah, Corianne, Holly and Heather!  From the point, we could see the river and the waterfall and all the stairs to get to the waterfall.

We take the stairs down and walk across a small log bridge to get to the base of the waterfall.  There wasn't a hike at all, it was just a walk down some hundreds of stairs.  The base of the waterfall was so misty and filled with moisture that we didn't even notice that it had begun to rain.

The waterfall was roaringly loud!  I had to yell just to have a simple conversation with any of the gals! We walked around the base of the waterfall and took a million pictures!  It was hard to get a picture with all the moisture around us!

We then hiked up the stair a little bit to the "mini" waterfall.  There was a swing here and a much smaller waterfall!  We enjoyed swinging and taking pictures there also.  Our favorite part was the fact that there were two men in speedos in the waterfall, so as we were trying to get pictures we kept getting funny pictures of the two speedos posing in the background. OK, so I couldn't find any of the speedo pictures,  I'll have to keep looking and when I do I will post it.

After seeing the mini waterfall, we went down to to river and walked around the riverbed for a little while.  The scenery was so beautiful!

After the waterfall we went to the Kemenuh Butterfly Garden.

The Garden was a typical butterfly garden with lots of butterflies flying all around.

 I have been to a few butterfly gardens, so I would have been fine missing this excursion, but all in all, it was OK.  The one part of the garden that was super neat was a small room in the middle of the garden that had huge moths and stick bugs.  We were able to hold the huge insects and get a picture!

Also inside this room was the chrysalis room.  All of the chrysalises that were found in the garden were brought into this room and hung using clothespins.  It was so neat seeing all the different colors, sizes and stages  of the chrysalises!  There were a few butterflies who had just broken out of their cocoon and were hanging upside-down to get their wings to dry.

Right outside the butterfly garden was a huge rice field that had a cute sign that said 'Love Bali'.

A few of us walked out into the rice field to get a picture with the sign.  I kept teasing Sarah and Corianne that a snake was going to come out and get us. Here is Corianne and me!

Our next stop was at a silver village.  While at this small silver village, we were able to watch them hand make the silver jewelry.  We were shown the process and the different tools that are used to make the different silver items.  After watching them make the items, it made me feel bad for asking less money at the market.  So much time and prestige goes into making just one small earring.

These jewelry makers sit in these uncomfortable chairs, straining their eyes and bending over all day to make such small trinkets that are sold for much less then the work that is put into it!

After watching the process, we then went into the store to drool and buy beautiful hand made silver jewelry.  I bought 4 bell charms, one for me and one for each of my girls.  After watching the process, I didn't nickel and dime them, I paid as asked!

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