Friday, March 9, 2018

Bali or Bust

For a few months now, a group of friends and I have been planning a Girls Trip to Bali, Indonesia!  There are six of us going, and three of us left today, and three leave tomorrow!  Holly Rust, Betsy Smith and I took off today!  Heather DeWitt, Sarah Blain and Corianne Schwartz leave tomorrow.  We left our kids with a babysitter and caught the 10:00 Songtan bus to Incheon Airport!

While at the airport, we walked by a little shop that had Hanboks to try on and take pictures in.  There was a big sign that said, "Free for Foreigners".  We had some time to spare, so we stopped and all tried on the traditional formal dress of Korea. So here we are: Betsy, Holly and me all Korean decked out!

We got on our flight and were happy to be sitting next to each other.

It is exciting to be going to a new place to vacation, and very exciting to not have to worry about kids while flying!  I was able to watch a movie of my choosing, take a nap and read a book!  All things I never get to do when traveling with kids.

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