Friday, March 16, 2018

Paralympics Hockey Game

Hey there! This is Big Sis and I am going to tell you about my experience at the Paralympics Hockey Game. The Paralympics is basically like the normal olympics, but with people that have lost their arm(s) or leg(s).

The ride to the Paralympics was the same amount of time as our failed trip to the olympics, which was about 4 hours; super long road trip.

The trip to go see the Paralympics was meant to be for everyone in the family, but we thought Monster would be a monster since it was past his bedtime and decided to not bring him. This meant that a parent had to stay behind.  Mom volunteered to stay because she already went to the olympics and dad hadn't gone yet. Since we had 2 extra tickets, dad asked one of his friends if he and one of his kids wanted to come with us the the Paralympics.

Last time we drove to the olympics, I got car sick and threw up (we had a bag for that reason), so I was really nervous for the car ride this time. I took a motion sickness pill, had bags at my feet at all times, and rode in the front on the left side this time, and thankfully, I didn't get car sick.

The temperatures outside where still in the 30's and 40's so it was pretty cold to walk there. Unlike last time, we had our tickets before we left the house. Me and M&M tripled checked to make sure that we had our tickets. We also made sure that they where in the most secure place in the car and on dad.

When we checked in and got to the stadium, we went to our seats, which where at the very top of the stadium. Little A was so excited to be at the very top.

When the game started, I was looking at all the players.  There were dozens of players that had overcome their own trials of life to play this game. When the players came out, on one team, their was this guy who had NO legs at all. Little A really liked to watch him most of all for that reason. She thought that it was the coolest thing in the world to see a person with no legs. To be honest, it really is amazing to see a person, playing hockey, with no legs. The game started, and before you could say, "Volks Wagon Beetle", the players where at least 10-20 meters away from their starting point.

The game was really fun to watch. I don't know much about hockey, but watching the game changed that. The game was very interesting to watch. The players were very fast, strong, and very very competitive. As it turns out, the guy with no legs was the strongest and the fastest person on the ice. The players were on something, like a giant skate, but there was only one skate that the players sat on. The way that they moved around was that at the end of the hockey stick was a rubber stopper that helped them push them along on the ice. The players had two hockey sticks, 1 for each hand. That means that the players go 2x's faster.

The game lasted for about an hour and a half. By the time the game was over, it was really late at night, 8:45 in fact. Thinking the most obvious future cause, the game would end and everyone was going to flood out of the stadium and leave super quick; to prevent that, we left the game 5 minutes early. We left the Paralympics with amazed eyes and a new memory.

The ride home was really fast without the traffic and we made it home by 10:20. It was an amazing night for all of us and we where very grateful to have shared it with a friend too. New adventures await.

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