Saturday, March 31, 2018

Easter Egg Hunt At The Church

Big Sis again and I am going to tell all of you about our Easter egg Hunt.  There was an Easter egg hunt that was just for the little nursery kids and junior/ senior primary. Key word "primary", which means that I wasn't allowed to participate since I am in Young Women's now. But that didn't mean that I wasn't allowed to help out. I had the chance to do the funnest part of the whole Easter egg hunt, hide the eggs! I wasn't the only one in charge of that. The youth were in charge of hiding the eggs for all the little kids in the primary, including the nursery kids. The Easter egg hunt party was held at the pavilion on base. There was a big field across the street from the pavilion where we hid the eggs for the primary kids. There was also a small island like field, in the middle of the pavilions parking lot, that was the perfect size to hide the nursery kids eggs. The youth got to the party about 10 minutes early to hide the eggs. After we finished hiding the eggs, we started the party. The youth were assigned to stand in front of the trees and thick bushes to prevent the little kids from going into the forest. Better safe then sorry.

The nursery kids did their little hunt in the little parking lot island, and the primary did their hunt in the field. The kids where allowed 10 eggs each. I thought that was very fair. However, a couple of the kids though other wise. The hunt was over as quick as it started. Those kids are like running cheetahs when it comes to candy. The kids found their eggs and ran back to the tables to see what they got.

After the egg hunting part of the party was over, the real party started. Families brought all sorts of stuff to eat. After about a good hour of social time with friend and lots of food, we started to clean up and head home. This years Easter egg hunt was a big success, and this year's Easter won't be hard to forget.

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