Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Bali Day 4 (Part 2): Wood Carving Village & Pedicures

Here is Marfin!  He was our driver the entire time we were in Bali from picking us up at the airport, to dropping us off, and all our day excursions.  He was amazing.  He had fabulous suggestions and would cater to what we wanted.  He was a fantastic driver.  He kept telling us about his village.  He said his village was well known for their word carving and that his bother was a wood carver.  So on our last day, we made sure to visit is cute village.  The wood carving village was one of the nicer villages we had been too.  

Out in front of the village wood store, were two rows of wood carvers hard at work.  It was amazing seeing these old me bent over a black of wood and carving a beautiful piece of art.  There was one man who was using his feet to help him carve.  

While we were watching the artist at work, we were also given information about the different wood that is used in the village.  We learned about the tools used, and the qualities of the four main woods they used.  We also learned that there are three types of carvers, and depending on the type of caver, would determine the price of a piece.  They had kids as young as 8 years old who were learning and selling their work.  

I knew that I wanted to get Kevin a unique piece of woodwork!  I asked the different artist and found a piece that they place over the hospitals.  The four handed Ganesha Hindu god.  Ganesha has an elephant head who has four hands which depict Chakras and represent conservation, survival and material well being.  Genasha grants success, prosperity and protection from adversity.  I also picked a Ganesha that was made by a master carver and made out of the Balinese Crocodile wood!  Here I am standing in front of a crocodile tree holding Kevin's gift!

After leaving Marfin's village we went back to Ubud for pedicures and dinner.  We found a pedicure place that does the Dr. Fish pedicures for cheap.  So we all tried the Dr. Fish pedicures for the first time.   These pedicures are where you put your feet in a giant fish tank and little fish eat away at your dead skin.  It was the weirdest feeling.  It felt like the tingle after your foot falls asleep and is slowly gaining movement and the blood is rushing back.  Betsy and I did OK.  It felt weird, and other then the occasional tickle, I was able to handle it.

 Holly, on the other hand, did not like the fish on her feet.  We all got a good chuckle watching her face as she could barely handle the sensation of the fish all over her feet.

 After the Dr. Fish pedicure, we all got our toenails painted.  It was fun to sit, relax and enjoy our last Bali adventure.  It was especially nice after my long hike that morning!

We ended the night with our last group dinner!  Holly, Betsy and I had to leave about 11PM to catch our flight, so we enjoyed our last time together as a whole group.  All of us had an amazing time in Bali!  It was the best of girls on this trip, which made it even better!  This was a great end to an even greater vacation.

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