Sunday, March 11, 2018

Bali Day 2 (Part 2): Holy Springs Temple, Bali Pulina & Tegallalang Rice Terraces

Our next stop was Pure Tirta Empul Hindu Balinese Temple, also known as the Holy Springs Temple.   This temple is definitely a huge tourist temple.  The second we got out of our car we were surrounded by people trying to give us umbrellas and banana and fruit and tours.  Each person would hand you a banana or umbrella as if giving it to you, then they would demand money.  If you tried to give the item back, they would not take it and they would just demand the money.  Luckily, since we had experienced this at the market, we knew not to accept anything people try to put in your hands.

We paid the entrance fee, adorned our beautiful colorful sarongs and walked into the temple grounds.  We were followed by a gentlemen who started telling us about the history of the temple and what we were seeing.  He kept telling us we needed to take pictures, so he would set us up and take pictures. 

We actually got some pretty amazing pictures from him.  Having him thereto take pictures for us was very much worth it, so we paid him a nice donation for helping us.

After walking the grounds, we entered in the Holy Springs area.  There were a bunch of holes in the side of the wall that had water pouring out.

The water is said to be from the hot springs and said to be holy.  People would line up and go into the water, shivering and fully clothed holding beautiful offerings in bags high above their head to keep them from getting wet, they would then bathe in the water and say prayers and make offerings.

I felt somewhat bad for watching as these good people were worshiping and bathing in their holy water.  I felt like I was trespassing on their communion with Deity.  I didn't stay at the springs very long, I left to walk around the grounds.  The temple was huge and had many sections to it.  There were beautiful statues! 

Amazing walls and gardens.  

The plants and vegetation was so green and gorgeous. 

When we were done at the temple, we went to the Bali Pulina, which is a tea plantation with beautiful views of the rice terraces.  

We got a short lesson on how they made their coffee.  This particular coffee that they are known for is made from the poop of an animal called a Luwak.  They feed the Luwak coffee fruit/beans then collect their poop and make coffee out of it.  Here is a picture of what the coffee beans look like that they feed the Luwak.

Apparently the way that the animal digests the beans makes it taste amazing.  Since the only person who drinks coffee is Betsy, she tried the poop coffee.  She said it was good, but nothing amazing.  After a short tour we were lead to a cafe where we could taste the coffee and teas for free.

Betsy tasted everything and gave us a detailed report.  The rest of us tried the pure cocoa, lemon tea and other tea.  The lemon tea really was one of the most delicious lemon herbal teas I have ever tasted!

The cafe overlooked the rice terraces.  The terraces are so beautiful and add such contrast to the landscape!

The very last thing we did today was take a walk on the Tegallalang Rice Terraces.  

It took us a while to find the correct stairs to take us to the terraces.  We were also fighting daylight, so our time was very short.

We were able to walk along the beautiful rice terraces.  They are much more magical from afar.  As we got closer, all you see are areas that look like long grass.  

The terraces made me feel like I was walking in a jungle.  The lush trees and shrubbery were surrounding us.  We walked across a few small bridges, and narrow steep steps.

At one terrace, there was a cute photo-op swing!  All of us took turns swinging over the rice terraces and taking pictures in the swing!  Corianne took a picture with me on the swings! We Love Bali!

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