Monday, November 5, 2018

Cambodia: Country-side Bicycle Tour

Hello there, it's Big Sis and I am going to tell you all about our experience in the Country-Side Bicycle Tour. We took a taxi to the building that we would rent our bikes from, but our taxi driver misunderstood us and dropped us off in a weird and creepy alley. We had no idea where we were so we just wondered a little and eventually found the bike tour shop. 

Since we knew that Cambodia was so poor, mom did her research and found a company that takes all the money for the tour and gives it to a local school.  The bike company was called Off Track Tours.  We got our bikes and we drove off to the starting point of the trail with our tour guide. We each got our own bikes and Monster was on the back of Dad's bike.

The road was a bright brown, almost like an orange, and it was often loose dirt in some places. When we would hit the loose dirt, our bike tires would slide all over the place.  I think all of us slipped at least 2-3 times on our bike on these slipper loose dirt places.  It was super hot that day and there wasn't that much shade. After getting everyone situated, we set off to the first portion of our tour. 

The first part of our tour was seeing a little elementary school. It was cool seeing how schooling works in foreign countries. This school was the school that our tour money was going to help.  A few kids were playing in the yard.  Some of the kids didn't have shoes and they didn't have any play equipment.  It sure made me thankful for what I have.  After seeing the school, we rode off to go see some farming lands. We got to see lots of animals, crops, and farmers. 

We really liked to see all the animals. We took a quick break and then set off again to see the real country-side of Cambodia. 

We weaved in and out of large alleys, long roads, and lots of houses. We stopped in the shade of a tree for a while because our tour guide left his pack at the farmers trail, so we just hung out and cooled down until our guide came back, after that, we made our last stop. 

After about 15 minutes of riding again we reached our last stop, the mushroom farm. We had our bikes turned in and we had a tour of a simple families business of mushroom growing. It was a very interesting process and we got to see all the mushrooms growing. It was really gross but really cool at the same time. 

We saw a couple clumps of mushrooms that had about 10-20 little mushrooms popping out.

After learning and see all the mushrooms and the process, we went back to the hotel to enjoy some time cooling off in the pool. It was very interesting and very cool seeing the way of life in the country-side of Cambodia. 

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