Friday, November 2, 2018

Cambodia: Hotel Swimming and a little bit of Haven

This is M&M here. I am going to tell you all about our favorite restaurant Haven and our hotel pool.
We had a pretty large pool in the front of our hotel, and we had friends there too. The Fillmores were also in Cambodia and we had fun swimming with them in the pool almost every day. It was exhausting ever day to go to a temple in the blazing hot weather. So the pool was pretty refreshing.

We always played tag in the pool and had competitions  to see who could jump the highest and the furthest. It was great to have fun with friends for hours every day in the pool.

Tuk-Tuks were the main transportation in Cambodia, so we rode them almost everywhere. We would just chill in the shade of the Tuk-Tuk while the driver took us where we wanted to go.

We were always trying out new foods at different restaurants every day, but we had a favorite. The restaurant was called Haven, it it was an amazing restaurant with amazing foods.
Poverty was really bad in Cambodia, and Haven provided more jobs for people and gave them opportunity's to work and run the restaurant with amazing care. The food was amazing and so was the service. It was always the highlight of the day to go there.

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