Sunday, November 4, 2018

Cambodia: Elephant Terrace, Baphuon, Phimeanakas & Terrace of the Lepars

This is M&M here and I want to tell you all about the Elephant Terrace, Baphuon, Phimeanakes, and Terrance of Lepars. Before we came to Cambodia, I was able to research all about Cambodia and found all the places I am going to share about. Our first stop was the Elephant Terrance.  

The Elephant Terrace is exactly was its name is: it is a monument of Elephants and had really cool statues of Elephants too. We learned that the Elephant Terrance was a foundation platform of the royal audience hall. It was were the King stood and appeared before his bowing people.

The Baphuon was a monument not so far from the Elephant Terrance. Everything was right next to each other, so we walked to the Baphuon. 

The Baphuon was behind all these ancient ruins, so we checked them out along the way. There was also this walk way 10 feet from the ground that led to the Baphuon. There were monkeys everywhere! It was scary getting near them because when we were at another temple, one monkey attacked us and tried to jump on us. Thankfuly, Dad scared it away. 

Before we were allowed up, we had to hand the security our passes to be allowed up. The guards said to us that me, Little A, and Monster weren't allowed up because we were "to young", so Dad stayed down with us while Big Sis and Mom went up to check it out. After about 30 minutes, they came back down. They learned that it is a three tiered temple mountain that was sometimes called the copper tower. 

Our next stop was the Phimeanakas. It was about 10 minutes away, so we decided to hike through the forest to find it. About 1 minute later, we came across a crazy tree. It had built itself up onto a pile of old ruins from other temples, and has been there ever sense.

We took a few pictures the continued our hike to find the Phimeanakes.

After looking at several more crazy trees and maps, we found the Phimeanakas! Another big bummer for us is that we couldn't go inside. There was a huge moat around it, so we didn't take our chances to try and go inside. The Phimeanakas was a really cool three tiered rectangular pyramid. We learned that it was perhaps a private royal chapel. 

Our last stop was the Terrace of the Lepars. After walking another 10 minutes, we found it. It was getting really hot, so we stoped to put on sunscreen. Everyone was hot and exhausted. I saw a secret stair case that led somewhere down below the Terrace, so I called the family and we went down. After we got down, we found all these carvings of people and many statues to. Everyone got cooled down in the shade and we explored the passages that I had found.

We all followed the maze of carvings, and found our way back to where we started.

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