Friday, November 9, 2018

Thailand: Chiang Mai's Poo Poo Paper Park

This is M&M here and I am going to tell you all about another one of my favorite places in Thailand. The ELEPHANT POOPOO PAPER PARK was a really cool reuse and recycle place that reuses and recycles elephant poop. The ELEPHANT POOPOO PAPER PARK used elephant poop to make paper and use it in crafts and other cool things. We chose to visit this cool place. The people that run the place were very welcoming and took us on a tour of the whole park. 

We learned how they cleaned the poop and colored it. We saw them wash and cleanse the poop from germs in this big and very hot pot that STUNK!!!!! The poop didn't stink, it was just the pot, it smelled like burnt plastic.

They also took us to a stable that was filled with different types of poop. Like Horse, Elephant, and other animal poop. 

The last place we went to before the tour was over was a make your own poo poo paper tent where we made our own paper. We first choose a color of poo that we wanted to make into paper, then we put the poop onto a board to make into paper. We then put the paper into the water and smoothed out the poop so it made paper.

The lady said it was important to keep moving the particles around with our fingers to make sure it went even on the board.  I accidentally picked mine up before it was ready and put it back in, but it made the particles super hard and clump together.  I had to keep moving it around longer.

 After we had the board completely covered with the colored poop we set it outside to dry. It was cool to see all the big paper around the property drying.

After we set our paper out to dry, we then learned how they pull the paper off the boards and what it looks like completed.  So here are the balls of colored poop before they are put on the boards and then here is what they look like after on the boards.

After the tour was over, we went to the craft tent at the end of the tour to make our own souvenirs out of POOPOO PAPER. We were able to choose what we wanted to make. We all choose something to make then we would decorate it with stuff. 

Monster made a little fan, Little A made a Christmas Notebook, Big Sis and I made a My Travels Book. It was a really cool experience and we loved every second of it! 

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