Sunday, November 11, 2018

Thailand: Doi Suthep

Hello, there, this is Big Sis and I am going to tell you all about our adventure to the top of a mountain to see the highest temple in Thailand. The drive to the top was very harsh and miserable for almost everybody. Dad, Mom, M&M, and Little A all got really car sick on the drive up. The road was really uneven, windy, and bumpy so they started to get really sick. Surprisingly, I didn't get really sick but wasn't feeling that bright either. After about 30 minutes of the miserable drive, we finally arrived at the top where cars had to stop. We took a lunch break to recover and get over the dizziness and then set off to see the temple. 

As we started to set off, we realized that there were two options  to get to the very top of the mountain which is where the temple was. There was the cable car and the stairs. Since Little A still wasn't fully recovered from the car ride, she, dad, and Monster took the cable car to the temple and mom, M&M, and me decided that we wanted to see the extra ancient structure on the way up, so we took the stairs. 

The stairs were just like Korea, uneven, slippery, and VERY steep, but that wasn't going to stop us from seeing the temple. On the way up there were giant gongs, huge gold buddha sculptures, and many other interesting monuments. 

My favorite structures were the seven-headed dragon and the giant gong. The stair railings were super long and very beautiful hand-carved seven-headed dragon sculptures. They were so colorful and they were at least 300 feet long. 

After taking the stairs for about 15 minutes, we made it to the top where dad, Little A, and Monster where waiting for us.  It was very crowded but was super cool. 

What was really interesting was that since we where so high up, we were technically in the clouds. It just so happened to be party cloudy that day, but for the temple grounds, it was very cloudy. 

We decided to walk into the actual temple.  We had to take our shoes off, and it was kind of gross because all the people walking around barefoot or in socks and the floor was wet-ish and sticky.  I felt like I was inside a snow globe. The temple grounds where huge and it was so golden. There were so many people though. They were everywhere.  Everything was covered in a gold color.  

There were golden buddha's everywhere too.  The spears of the pagoda were so tall.  It was so pretty and so neat to see this temple and to walk all around the entire thing.  I am glad we came and saw this.

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