Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Cruise Day 2: Time to Cruise, Carnival Legend

I got 9.5 hours of sleep last night! I expected to wake up at 3am and not be able to sleep, but I was so refreshed and happy to get sleep. We wake up and get ready for the day. We take our time because we don’t have to get Lori and Lauren from the airport until around 10:00.

We check out of the hotel and take the shuttle to the airport. When we get to the baggage claim, Lori and Lauren are right there. We exchange hugs and smiles and make our way to the taxi stand. Mom had done some research and found sharing a taxi would be the best use of our Money.

It took about 30 minutes and $54 to get the Pier 91, where our cruise was scheduled to leave from. I was expecting long lines and long waits, but I was surprised that we got straight through without a single line or even longer the a 2 minute wait. We got right onto the boat. It was about noon by this time and we were all hungry, so we found the buffet, found a table, dropped our bags, and went in search of food.

First impression of Legend of the Sea: it’s dark, small, and the food selection isn’t very big. All the ceilings and walls are a dark brown, so the entire thing feels small and cave-ish. I wish it was more open and bright and airy, but it’s not, so I get past the dark cave fast, and try to find good things.

It took forever to get food. I had to go to four different spots to get what I wanted for a salad, but I was able to get fruit and avocado! Yum, oh how I miss avocado. I got half an avocado to myself. Yum. So delicious.

After lunch we explore the ship from aft to stern. We start at the top deck and just work our way down. The ship was still docked, waiting for everyone to get aboard, so we were able to enjoy the Seattle city scape.
We find the gym (which I have made a personal vow to actually use everyday), the miniature golf, basketball court, jogging track, library and stinky casino. We mark the third level as the avoid level because they allowing smoking in the casino, and it stinks so very bad.

After getting to level one, we make our way to our room. Excitement is in the air and we find our room and open the door. We were all expecting something a little bigger, because you could almost feel the excitement stay at the door as we walked in. We see three beds and look around for a fourth. It takes all our smart brains to realize there is one more bed that comes down from the ceiling. We decide there’s no better time to unpack, so we try to figure out the best way to use the minimal space to store four women’s stuff for 7 days. It honestly is one of the smallest cruise rooms I have ever been in. It’s about the size of a train compartment. After unpacking the best we can, we grab a few games, download the cruise app, look over the cruise itinerary, and walk out.

We actually didn’t have a choice with walking out, the unnecessarily loud alarms were informing us of the muster station mandatory meetings. We get to our Muster and wait forever because not all staterooms were accounted for.

It’s time to set sail, so we make our way to the top deck and find some comfortable seats to watch Seattle pass by and wave goodby. The itinerary is massively lacking, so we find some comfortable seats and play a few games. We play cover your assets and monopoly deal. The food is all closed at this point because it’s transitioning from lunch to dinner.

We play games until 5:30, then go to Truffles, the formal dining hall. We have our own table that seats 4. It’s nice not having to share with anyone else.

We had a nice dinner, granted, it takes two hours when you eat at the formal dining room. We didn’t all get an entree, and the waiter was giving us a hard time saying it’s not the time for a diet and kept asking if we wanted a salad or soup. Since Lori and mom didn’t order an entree, the waiter brought out some fruit, I miss fruit and definitely went straight for the plate. The pineapple was so juicy and tasted perfect.

The dining room was super cold and Lori kept commenting on it. When the waiter came by she asked if they could turn it up, he said he would look into it, but until then, asked if he could bring us some tea or coffee. I asked for some hot chocolate, double the powder, and mom agreed, so we got two hot chocolates.

Dinner was finally brought, and I totally enjoyed Mahi Mahi with a coconut rice and some pineapple and red pepper sauce. It was so delicious.  It wasn’t too fishy and it really was delicious. After dinner we order dessert, and all of us enjoy our dessert.

Since Lori and Lauren had been up so early to catch their flight, they wanted to head to bed. Mom and I went and caught the Welcome Aboard show. The show was rather disappointing, it was pretty much a booty call and lots of cleavage. I should have walked out, and could have done without seeing this dumb show. We got back to the cabin and went to bed.

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