Sunday, June 23, 2019

Little A's Baptism

Little A made the decision to be baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  In our religion, we believe that children become accountable for their actions at the age of 8.  Children who have turned 8 can choose to be baptized or not into the church.  Little A was so very excited to be baptized.  She ended up waiting a month to get baptized trying to work out scheduling with family that was trying to come to Korea for her baptism.  Unfortunately our plans kept changing as we are moving to Germany, and our original plans to go home to the States between the move just didn't pan out.  Little A was baptized by her daddy.  Kevin holds the proper authority and priesthood from God to be able to perform this sacred ordinance.  It is so wonderful having an amazing and worth husband, I sure love him!  And you can tell by her smiles that Little A loves her daddy too.

While we were waiting for the program to start, Little A was so excited she couldn't even stay in her chair.  She kept jumping up and was simply so excited she said she felt like she was going to burst.  We decided to have her baptism directly after church, hoping that we could get as much of our church family to come support Little A, since the only family member that was able to come was her cousin, Talia.  Grandma and Grandpa really wanted to come, but we just found out that my dad's cancer came back, so due to his health and mom needing to stay with him, they were not able to come.  

Little A had a beautiful program! She asked Talia to give a talk on baptism, which was amazing by the way.  She also asked me to give a talk on the Holy Ghost and she asked her sisters to play their instruments while she changed after being baptized during the intermission.  Big Sis and M&M practiced hard and played so beautifully.  After her baptism, she changed into her special Korean Handbook, which is the traditional formal dress of Korea.  She really wanted to wear it since she was baptized in Korea.  She was so happy.  Little A was confirmed a member of the church by Kevin and she received the gift of the Holy Ghost.  She was all smiles.

We had such a great turn out.  Almost the entire ward stayed for Little A to be there as her church family.  She had all her friends there and felt so loved and special.  She is a special little lady and I am so proud to call her my daughter.  I love you Little A.

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