Sunday, June 9, 2019

Cruising Day 7: Rainy Day in Ketchikan, Alaska

Welcome to Ketchikan, Alaska! We docked before 7:00 and the ship was ready to disembark by 7:10. We all got up early today and we were ready to get off the boat by 7:30. We got off the boat and booked it to the Lumberjack Show. Our tickets were in will-call and the seating is first come first serve, we wanted good seats, so we made good time walking to the show. It was only about 5 minutes from our ship, so we were able to get some pretty great seats.

The Lumberjack Show is a fun show where two teams of two lumberjacks compete against each other in different events. They had two teams- USA and Canada. The audience was split in half so we could cheer for our team. We were on the blue team, Team USA.

The show was about an hour long. The referee was the main voice and would announce and describe the events. He helped create tension with the teams by encouraging booing, cheating and cheering.

The Lumberjacks did so many amazing events. There was log sawing vertical and horizontal. There was cutting logs with axes and chainsaws, and they also had to shimmy up a tree. The Lumberjacks also had a log on the water event where they had to stay on and try to get the other team off first. It was a rowdy, loud and fun show. While writing this, I totally forgot that it was raining the entire time. Luckily, the audience bleachers were covered and the seats were heated. I had on my waterproof boots, pants and rain jacket, so I didn't get wet. But poor mom was sitting right under a cable that was dripping water directly on her head. She had to get the umbrella out and cover her legs, so they wouldn’t get drenched. By the time the show was done, she was pretty much peppered with rain drops all over, while the rest of us were nice and dry.

Lori, Lauren and I signed up for Axe throwing after the show. We were taken behind the stadium with about 8 other people for axe throwing. We were shown how to throw an axe, then given one practice throw. On the practice throw I was able to stick the axe on the target on the first throw.

We were then given three throws to try to get into the finals. I didn’t land a single one. All my throws were way too high and completely missed the target. Lori and Lauren didn't have any luck either, and after four throws and $15, our time was done with the axe throw. Only two guys, a father and son, made it to the finals where they were able to throw two more times at the target. The dad ended up winning. If I could do it again, I wouldn’t do the axe throw. It just wasn’t well planned, it was way expensive, and not what I was expecting. I could play a carnival game at a fair for cheaper. But, it was done and it was an experience.

The town was such a cute little town. The buildings were all colorful and made of wood. It matched what I would view as a small dock town. While walking around, Lauren was told that the main totem pole is the same one in the picture in our passport book.  We had our passport with us, so we got the out to compare and sure enough, it is the very same.

As we were walking around, we came to Creek Street.  At first I didn't understand the significance of the street and why it was so special and why so many tourist were walking around in the rain on Creek Street.  The area just looks like a bunch of cute little souvenir shops and specialty stores. One of my favorite stores was a wood shop that had a wooden bear that held a sign that said 'Welcome' on one side, and 'Go Away' on the other.  After walking around Creek Street for a while, Mom informed me that this was the old "Red Light District" of Ketchikan and was the towns prostitution district.  I then looked more closely and past the cute shops, there were signs on each of the buildings with explanations of what each little building was during the Red District.  

Some of the descriptions included the names of the women who owned the houses.  One house was owned by Beatrice Greene, and she was described as the last working woman.  The house was dated as 1920, and it talked about Beatrice's history and how she went underground and continued in her work after the the authorities ended prostitution in 1954. Another house was owned by Dolly Arthur, who was described as the oldest working residents.  She worked from 1919-1940, and lived in the house until 1973. Dolly was known as the most famous "sporting woman". I probably shouldn't have liked Creek Street as much as I did, but it was so interesting to read the descriptions and see the houses still standing.  

We left Creek Street and spent the rest of our time getting rained on while going on a treasure hunt throughout the town. Before leaving the ship, we got a bunch of coupons for free charms, and bracelets and pendants, and mom was determined to get each and every possible one. It was fun watching her get all excited at the trinkets. The only embarrassing part was in the first few stores, she would ask for the free item then bring out a huge bundle of wet coupons and search for the coupon for the matching store we were in. By the last few stores, Lori, Lauren and I were in the “free” spirit and went in for the free trinkets too. It was a fun free treasure hunt. We didn’t even notice the rain.

We got back on the ship in time for a late lunch. I go to the Deli and the guys look at me and laugh, and make my weird requested sandwich without me even asking. For the past few days, for either lunch or dinner, I went to the Deli and asked for a number 10, without turkey. The description of number 10 is a turkey sandwich on pretzel bread, and underneath it says, turkey, avocado, arugula, basil and tomatoes. The first time I asked for it, both Deli workers stopped what they were doing and looked at my like I was crazy. I guess it was a first for them. I say again, a number 10, no turkey. He says, but a number ten is turkey. Oh no, I say, it comes with avocado, arugula, basil and tomato on a pretzel roll. So he says, you want an avocado sandwich? YES! He gets me. Of course he said it with exasperation. But in the end they both laugh and one of them makes me a sandwich. I explained that I live in Korea and avocados are a fortune there. He then asked if I like avocado, and I said, I love them. He said, are you sure? And then put a whole avocado on my sandwich. So, after the first time I asked for a ten no turkey, I never had to ask again, they would just see me and laugh and shake their head and make me an avocado sandwich. It was the best sandwich ever!

After lunch we enjoy the Hasbro Game show. People form the audience were picked to come on stage and play life size Hasbro games against each other. It was fun and entertaining. We wanted to get picked, but were never the choose ones.

After the game, my stomach and head weren’t doing too good, so I grabbed my iPad and a coke (that we bought in a grocery store yesterday) and find a quiet spot on the Lido deck. I relax with my coke and read my scriptures. It is Sunday today, and I feel bad for missing church, so I wanted to make sure that I at least read and studied my scriptures and some conference talks. I guess mom had the same idea, because about a half hour later, mom walks by with an ice cream cone and a book and spots me. She sat down with me and we both enjoy reading.

Tonight was our second formal night, so we go back to the room to get ready. We all get pretty and decide to get some pictures taken. We go to three separate photographers and take a bunch of pictures. It was fun doing a free photo shoot. They all call us sisters, and that makes us laugh. Sadly, it would have cost about $20 a picture and it didn't include a digital copy, so we never bought the pictures.

We enjoy a nice elegant dinner. By now, we are all pretty tired of the food and just want normal home cooked meals. I don’t even order a main course, I just order three appetizers. I think the thrill and newness of it has worn off and we are all ready to get back to our normal lives, food, and beds.  We had some pretty spectacular waiters.  Our main waiter was Micheal and Bjorn helped him out a lot.  We had one other guy that would fill our waters, but I never caught his name.  Micheal especially did an amazing jo in making sure the food was good, and that we were taken care of.

After dinner, we make our way to a Follies Theatre, for another performance, Epic Rock. Tonight’s show featured 80’s songs; the best songs in my opinions. The performers performed: Stairway to Heaven, I Would Do Anything for Love, Total Eclipse of the Heart, We Built This City and so many more! I loved loved all the songs. I really loved the show and the music because it spoke to me. This was the music I grew up with, and it was some great songs. Since tonight was the last performance, the performers opened up time for pictures. Lauren, Lori and I went and got pictures. And yes, I realize after the picture I had my hands facing the wrong way (hand to head slap).  Mom stopped to ask the Cruise director, Jen, a question about the blockbuster movies, so she wasn’t able to get a picture with them. She said she didn’t want one, but I think she really did. So tomorrow, we need to try to get her a picture with the performers.

After the performance, we go up to the Lido deck for more card games. After playing about five games, in which Lori had lost pretty bad on every single game, mom stops a girl that is walking by and asks her to shoot a picture.  Lori thought it was dumb that mom was getting a picture and she was upset about the repeated beatings, so she refused to smile.  I notice the girl is in a swimsuit and freezing, so I tell mom to let the poor thing go.  The girl is a good sport and takes our picture.  As we review the picture we all laugh until we are crying because there is a mirror behind us and you can see the girl in her swimsuit taking our picture.  It was either super funny or we were super tired, but we had a long laugh about that.

After our card game, we head to bed.  Tonight we were greeted by a super cool bat towel animal that was hanging from the ceiling.  This one is my most favorite one yet.

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