Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Cruising Day 3: Cruising by Canada

Today was our first full day at sea. Mom, Lauren and I were up by about 6:30. I wanted to go to the gym, so I got my running clothes on. Mom and Lauren also decided to come, so they got ready too. We were all ready to go and Lori was still sound asleep. We didn’t know whether to wake her or not, so we sat there debating for a while. In the end we decided that if it was one of us, we would have felt left out if everyone left and we woke with everyone gone. So, we decided to wake Lori up, and I’ll tell you what, it was the wrong choice! Lori was not happy that we woke her up and she spent the next few hours grumbling and grouchy.  Come to find out, it wasn't necessarily that we woke her up as much as the method that we took in waking her up. You see, mom had a flashlight out and we kept shinning the flashlight at Lori, and that was definitely the wrong way to wake her up.

After getting in a good workout and eating at the breakfast buffet, we all took showers and got ready for the day. We eagerly looked over the agenda for the day, expecting to see a plethora of exciting events to fill our day. We were disappointed to see nothing of the sort. We learned that there isn’t a pool-side screen that shows three movies a day, we learned that there wasn't really anything to do until dinner time.

Pulling at strings, we decided to try the trivia game. It was a music trivia, so we go down and find standing room only. What the heck?! Every other cruise I went on, there wasn’t many people that went to the trivia. I guess everyone else was pulling at strings, just like us. The music is too muffled and Lori couldn't make out the words, so the bear continued to growl. It was an easy trivia, and everyone got full score, so there wasn’t a prize offered.

We leave the trivia game unsatisfied, and move onto the Follies Theatre where a game of Clue was to take place. When we get to the theatre, all we see are signs about Bingo, and Bingo cards being sold and people walking around with Bingo scratch offs. We find out that there is no time between the Clue and the start of Bingo, so they combine the sales of Bingo with Clue. The ship does a quick 10 minute little show to introduce a ship game of Clue that will last the entire cruise. During the cruise we can find clues to solve the murder mystery. It was cute and Lauren and I were excited to join the game.  Mom and Lori were a little bored and fell asleep during the entire thing.

As quickly as it started, Clue was over and they went straight into Bingo. "Lucky Lauren" stepped out and we found ourselves surrounded by crazy Bingo people. We honestly had absolutely nothing to do, and since we had some room credit, we went ahead and got some bingo cards and joined the craze.

Bingo is boring! Holy cow, why do people get so hyped up over a dumb game. I was finding myself falling asleep. We didn’t win anything, and we never got a Bingo, so just like that, our room credit was flushed down the drain.

Luckily, we all brought card games, so we decide to create our own fun. We grab our games and go to the top deck. There’s an ice cream machine up here, so we get ice cream and play games. Finally a win! The water is pretty calm, so while playing we are all watching out the window in hopes of catching a glimpse of a whale. We played Monopoly Deal, Get Lucky, and Cover Your Assets a few times. Now, you may be wondering, why didn’t we just sun bathe or go swimming in the pool? I’ll tell you why, it’s freezing! Alaskan cruises are definitely NOT for the warm rays of sunshine. Alaskan Cruises are for the nature and wildlife and beautiful scenery. Warmth is not part of the package deal.

Tonight was our first formal night, so we all get dolled up before dinner. I forgot to keep out my formal dress when the packers came, so I didn’t have a dress. Lori was sweet enough to bring some of Talia’s dresses for me, and I am so grateful that I had something nice to wear. The dinner was really good and we had fun getting fancy and all dolled up.

We kept our dresses on and made it to the comedy show at 7:00. It was good clean funny fun. The comedians did a fantastic job keeping it clean and funny. They would use the audience and ask questions then just roll with the answers they were given. There was a comedian at 7:00, and then a different one at 7:15. They both were funny and did such a good job.

There was another show tonight by the same performers as last night. At first I decided I wasn’t going to go, but after looking at the description and pictures, it looked like the dancers were all dressed modestly and the music would be good. We all chanced it and decided to go to the show. I’m glad we did. The music was old popular oldies, and their beautiful gowns and outfits matched the era. The dancing was fantastic and the performers really did an excellent job performing.

The show ended about 8:30, and as we are walking out, I notice that it is still super bright outside. We ventured out and find the sun still decently high in the sky for 8:30 PM. Since we are making our way north, the sun sets later and later each night. We all decide to try to get some pictures outside in our formal dresses.  We go outside and are blasted by freezing cold wind.  It looks nice and sunny and warm, but don't let that fool you, it was freezing!

We went back to our rooms and changed into warm and comfortable clothes, then went up to the Lido deck where the buffet is located to play games and watch the sunset.  It was such a beautiful sunset!  I asked if anyone was brave enough to go outside to get sunset pictures and Lauren was the only taker. Mom and Lori opted to watch behind the safety of the buffet's indoor window.

Lauren and I came back to mom and Lori in the warmth of the buffet and we played cards and games for the next few hours. We watched as the sun just hovered for hours before finally dipping past the horizon calling it a day. We call it a day with the sun and head to bed. One of the fun things about the cruise is the towel animal creations that the room service leaves for you every day.  We were excited to get our first towel animal.

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