Friday, June 21, 2019

Gwangmyeong Cave & Rainbow Factory & Toilet Museum

In my opinion, one of the best places that just screams, "Oh, Korea" is the Gwangmyeong Cave. The kids and I went to the cave when we first got to Korea, but Kevin has never been and I wanted to give Talia a real good South Korea experience.  Big Sis and M&M were gone for the week at a girls camp, so we invited the two little Walker girls to join us for our day of fun.  

The Gwangmyeong Cave is filled with a bunch of random ideas all mashed in one.  Korea puts their own flair on it by adding lights to everything, which I love.  There was a flower garden with beautiful gigantic flowers all illuminated.  There was also a light tunnel which is very Korea.  The light tunnel has color changing lights, so the tunnel turned every which color.

The last time I came, the laser light show was not working, so it was a super amazing treat to walk into the laser tunnel and get a seat for the show.  We only had to wait about 5 minutes before the show started.  This was my favorite part of the cave.  They used music and lights to create a beautiful story on the wall. It was pretty fantastic.

The cave had some statues in the different nooks and crannies. Kevin was excited to see the dragon from the Lord of the Rings.  It was nice and cool in the cave, so that was a relief from the heat.  We took our time and enjoyed the crazy cave in Korea.

After walking out of the cave we kept seeing signs for a Rainbow Factory.  We didn't know what it was, but it looked cool.  We asked a group of teenagers that were walking by, and one of the girls was super excited to use her English to tell us about it and show us where it was located.  Since it was right next to the cave, we decided to check out the Rainbow Factory too.

The Rainbow factory was a fun exhibit with about 10 different stations that used light in different ways.  Some used shadow light, some used light to music, and some used projectors.  This was the perfect little place for Little A and the two little Walker girls.  All the girls ran around with rainbow lights all around them.

It wasn't just the little girls that enjoyed the lights and rainbows, Talia was dancing and prancing and running around also.  She is still a little girl at heart.  I might have been caught dancing and prancing too.

In the last room was a slide with balls at the end to slide into.  The slide had lights and shapes that changed.  The ball pit would change colors as the lights changed around it.  The girls squealed and laughed as they came down the slide.  

We left the Rainbow Factory and had a nice picnic on the beautiful grounds of the cave.  After we were done eating we explored the different statues and sculptures around the grounds.  The neat thing about the sculptures were that they were made out of recycled material.

We left the Cave and Rainbow Factory in search of our next "Oh, Korea" destination, The Toilet Museum.  I have heard about a house that is in the shape of a toilet that is a poop museum and have wanted to find it for a while.  We still had time in the day, and the museum was on our way home from the cave, so poop searching we went.

Our first stop was the public restroom in front of the museum.  This was the nicest and cleanest restroom I have ever been in.  The outside of the restroom had recycled toilets made into planters.  It was actually really pretty creative.

Around the grounds of the Toilet museum were many statues of people pooping.  It was weird and gross and funny.  The kids were giggling at all the statues.  

There were plaques around the statues with some facts and history about the evolution of toilets, which was actually interesting.  I think the grossest thing I learned was that pigs used to be fed human feces, that was nasty to learn.  They even had an exhibit showing pigs and poop in a chimney. I was glad the Toilet Museum was free, because it wouldn't have been worth making a trip just to go to the museum, and it would be a waste of money to have to pay an admission.  But a stop on the way home was worth the best restroom ever and a quick free exhibit.

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