Sunday, December 8, 2019

Bernkasel-Kues Christmas Market

Hi guys. This is Big sis and I'm gonna tell y'all all about our adventure to the Bernkasel-Kues Christmas market!

I do have to say that the village looks much more different than what it looked like in the summer time. It looked so much more cute and more like a little winter wonderland. 

After we arrived, we just explored around the very big street of Christmas stands and a huge square of life size German Christmas decorations. 

While walking around and looking at everything, we found a house that looked so festive. As we got closer, we realised that it wasn't just any house, it was a huge house that was the towns advent calendar. 

Everyday, in December, at 7:00 pm, they would open one of the windows and display a painting of a Disney character. Before the reveal of the picture for that day, two old men would come out and sing German Christmas carols, concluding with a certain song that everyone seemed to know by us, and that day would be removed and the picture for that day was placed in the window. Fun tradition to participate in every night! Today, when we saw them display the new picture, which was Elsa and Anna from the movie "Frozen". It was funny to see the other 6 pictures on the house.

I did however wonder what it looked like completely filled up with Disney character. That would be something really funny to see. While walking around the town square, we found some little stands with kinder punch. What me and M&M found out was that every town had its own special twist to the kinder punch. Our town had the extra flavor of orange, another town's was pomegranate. This town was cherry. It's so much fun tasting all the different versions of the punch in different towns.
It's also super fun because we can keep the cups and each cup is different depending of the town. We have collected many different mugs. I don't think that we will need any new hot chocolate mugs for a while. Haha. 

One the way back to the car, because it was starting to get extremely cold, we found a huge life size German candle windmill. it mini form, it is a decoration usually only found in Germany and is made of wood with little decorations on the inside, often a scene of the nativity. And when you light the candle underneath the little windmill hands, it spins. 

As we were leaving, Monster really wanted to go on the merry-go-round, so he went on it for a ride. Once monster's ride was done we called it a day and went back home with some kinder punch mugs, and the Christmas spirit. Merry (early) Christmas!

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