Thursday, December 12, 2019

St. Wendel's Medieval Christmas Market

Christmas Markets are "The Thing" to do during November and December here in Germany.  There re so many Christmas Markets that it is overwhelming picking which ones to visit.  We also learned a little too late that each one is open during a specific time and only particular weekends.  We missed a few due to missing the dates that they are open.  We also had so many commitments on almost every weekend that it made it hard to make it to any Christmas Markets.  However, we did make it to St. Wendel's Christmas Market.  We started by finding an area where miniature houses had been made.  Some of the houses had moving people or parts.  Monster really liked the moving miniature house display, but the other kids all thought they were a little creepy.

St. Wendel's Christmas Market was so huge.  It went down this street and went on forever.  We were told that there is a man made sledding hill that kids can ride a tube down for free, so that was my number one destination.  While searching for the tubbing hill we walked past hundreds of little booths selling things from little villages, ornaments and food to knick knacks, snacks and Christmas gifts.  The different booths were really fun to see.

We wanted to try some of the local food, so we got some crepes and then some small tube things that tasted like churros.  It wouldn't be a Christmas Market without trying the Kinderpunch.  So we got a few glasses to share.  It tasted like hot fresh berries and cider.  We all really liked the Kinderpunch.

After walking around a good hour we finally found the sledding hill.  The kids went down twice each and had a blast.  Kevin went down with Monster and it was pretty hard getting him away from the snow hill.

We kept exploring after the sledding hill and found another huge area of booths.  These booths all had more medieval and antiques things being sold.  The kids were super excited because they found an archery range, we let all the kids shoot off about 5 arrows each.  Even Monster took a try at the bow. All the kids said they missed the Archery Cafe after they each took a turn.

It was getting really late, and it was so extremely cold, so we decided to try to find our way back to our car.  We did take the time to walk slow and check out the booths and merchandise as we passed.

Other than being super freezing, we all loved the Christmas Market.  It was fun to see the variety of food products and homemade items all being sold.  We even saw a Harry Potter booth in which all the kids went bonkers.  I enjoyed it, but I did not enjoy the kids all begging for different things.  Next time, I just need to have the kids earn money beforehand, then let them buy whatever they want with the money they earned.  I think I will make it more enjoyable.  

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